Hey Pams Girl, of course I remember you! Thanks for checking in. I was gutted to have to request to have my original diary deleted. We seriously thought we had been outed and even though there was nothing incriminating in there, it seemed the safest thing to do just in case. Thankfully it was a false alarm, so here we are again!
Mrs Smith does indeed have an anxiety disorder. It is not at a level where she is crippled by it, but every now and then, I'll notice the signs that she is angsty justvanswer all her questions and reason things out. Sometimes we'll head out somewhere and I'll jump in the car. A few minutes later she will finally come to the car and I'll say "So was the gas off and all the windows shut?" and she will sheepishly say yes, and we'll have a good laugh about it. My girl's cool :-)
Still waiting to hear back from my sister. Her friend is still staying with them but is leaving soon so hopefully we'll hear something soon. You're right, its SO hard not to go all guns and lay it out. She's a smart lady, and I am sure that with some gentle prodding she might just wake up. All we can do is quietly hope and be there for her.
We are looking forward to moving. It won't be super far from where we are as we have some non-JW martes around here that we want to keep in touch with. I'd love to move to the city, but that might be a bit much for Mrs Smith for the moment. All in good time!
How are things with you mate? All well I hope. What are your plans for the holidays? Are you going to hang with your pagan friend and having pagan celebrations? We might just be having our own little private pagan celebration at the Smith residence...
Great to hear from you, take care :-)
Hey CoC! Glad to hear you enjoyed reading through. I don't know exactly what it is, but there is something deep down that must strike a chord with those who wake up. Two years ago I never would have thought that I would where I am now with regards to being 'awake' about the truth. I sometimes think that most JWs must think there is something wrong, but have too much invested to do anything about so just go with the flow oblivious to the long term harm they are inviting.
Its great to be awake!