JoinedPosts by puffthedragon
made in Mexico
by therevealer inwhat is the signifigance of the fact that the sparlock dvd is made in mexico?.
When I was in Bethel (early 2000's) all cds and dvd were reproduced by outside companies, wherever they could get the best price.
How many here smoke?
by cantleave ini don't and am very unlikely to after seeing my father dying of a smoking related lung disease (even though i would like to try a high quality cigar).. but i am curious to see how many people take up smoking after leaving the org.. .
Not cigarettes. Smoking something else right now though.
God's Perfect Creation
by MrFreeze inso, one of the main things that jw's teach is that when god first created everything, it was all perfect.
no flaws in his creation.
that is until you realize that the wt reasons that adam and even knew what death was because the animals died.
Yes I know. I feel like my dog is my best friend. So I get to live billions of years but have to get a new best friend every ten years? Doesnt seem fair. So much for that no more tears thing, cause I am a big construction worker but I will bawl like a baby when something happens to my dog. I can't even think anymore about it.
Nephew Readying for Harvard
by snowbird insince he disregarded the elders' "encouragement" to turn down the fellowship offer from harvard, he's being deleted as a ministerial servant.. he leaves in august.. i'm so happy for and proud of him!.
he's being deleted as a ministerial servant.
See, they do that thinking it will be a "wake-up call" to misguided ones. And it usually is, but not in their favor. My wake up call was when I was removed for something retarded as well.
Congratulations, hopefully he makes good use of this opportunity.
How Do You Deal With The Shunning You Receive From "Captive" Witnesses?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis ini am liking don's term "captive to a concept" more and more, it explains so much about the mindset of average dubs.. to those who are being activily shunned, how does it affect you when you see former friends and family, do the sideway's crab-walk to get away?
you are not alone, shunning is happening to weaker witnesses in the congregations, this practice is not sanctioned by the watchtower society, this trait is straight from satan the devil, it pure evil and cruel!
as i post, this new trait is being taught to the power player's apprentices, teaching them how to do the "weak witnesses exit stage left!
Next she will be asking if your bloodline is "pure" or if you have any undesirable races mixed in!
/edit I had closed this tab and moved on, but the sickness of it made me come back. If I was with someone at this point in my life when they said that, I would be stunned and look them in the eye and tell them what a horrible person they were. Let her get DF'd for a couple years and see what she thinks about it then.
Did Jesus ever use the name Jehovah?
by biometrics inwhile growing up as a jw this was a question i often wondered about: did jesus ever call his heavenly father by the name jehovah?
and if he did, why wasn't it recorded.. i know there's plenty of references such as john 17:6, 26 where it says "i have made your name manifest to the men ...".
however is there anywhere in the bible where jesus used the actual word jehovah?.
Cantleave that was great!
A question on Sparlock video
by hubert ini just watched the sparlock video again, and noticed the mother said to caleb...."jehovah hates majic".. are there any bible verses to back up this statement?.
from NWT
(Leviticus 19:26) . . . “‘YOU must not look for omens, and YOU must not practice magic.
(Deuteronomy 18:9-12) . . .“When you are entered into the land that Jehovah your God is giving you, you must not learn to do according to the detestable things of those nations. 10 There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, 11 or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead. 12 For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah, and on account of these detestable things Jehovah your God is driving them away from before you.
(2 Kings 21:6) . . .And he made his own son pass through the fire, and he practiced magic and looked for omens and made spirit mediums and professional foretellers of events. He did on a large scale what was bad in Jehovah’s eyes, to offend him. -
The Curious Case Of My Servant. Job
by criticalwitness inthe bible account of job is interesting to me in a lot of ways.
one job is not apart of isreal so his family and lineage cant really be traced hes just like some folk hero and how did he find out about jehovah?
and have more faith than all his people?
Billy, Jehovah bless them with riches but only if they ignore the Geebee's laws on education.