Mr Moe
You will be back
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
celebrate your past.
it is the foundation for your dreams and goals in the future.
flexibility and adaptability are key.
Mr Moe
You will be back
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
life is what you make it.. broadly speaking, i do believe that.
it seems to me that most persons fall into 1 of 3 categories:.
1. the well-balanced person who is a good achiever and enjoys the fruitage of his labours.
What's up? If you don't agree with Englishman's ideas, go to another post.
Thought in the Borg was controlled.
We only knew one way of thinking, ie: the Watchtower's way.
Consequently, we could not learn or progress in our thinking,or see our own Hypocrasy.
So when someone raises questions here on this board, that don't exactly run with popular consent, it is good! it is the only way to progress in your learning.
Do you want to be surrounded only by people that agree with you? that is where stagnation of thought and mind begins.We experienced it at the Kingdom Halls.
Having been shunned by the Borg, there is understandably, a tendency by us to want to belong and re-gain acceptance by others.
and it is boards like this, that reveal that.
This was my point I was trying to highlight to Englishman and so to all.
It is a need to belong or wanted.It is what kept us in the Borg.
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
life is what you make it.. broadly speaking, i do believe that.
it seems to me that most persons fall into 1 of 3 categories:.
1. the well-balanced person who is a good achiever and enjoys the fruitage of his labours.
Just as I predicted, mostly all would confess to falling in catagory 2.with a leaning towards No 1.
Well all of you now, pat yourselves on the back.You obviously have recovered from the Borg.NOT!
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
direct from the files of [email protected].
how to make an atheist backslide .
there is no god .
I enjoyed your post.
"In order to believe, one does not have to believe all."
Faith though, as to begin somewhere.
An Atheist will question the source of that "begining".
In the case of a modern Christian the source of that begining is the Bible. To ancient believers it was word of mouth. Some guy claiming he had a message from God.
Then that claim perhaps being reinforced, by some "experience" a disciple may have.
Thats why I believe you cannot judge people either way on this issue.
A person can only go by his own experience in life.
Logic must play its part though, otherwise mankind would still be running away from fire and thinking when it thundered the Gods had spoken.
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
life is what you make it.. broadly speaking, i do believe that.
it seems to me that most persons fall into 1 of 3 categories:.
1. the well-balanced person who is a good achiever and enjoys the fruitage of his labours.
Here is the psychology Englishman.
If you say you are in the first group, then you will appear to be immodest and therefore "unbalanced" rather than "Well balanced".
So by saying you are in the "second" group, you are in effect saying that you are aware of your weaknesses, and so therefore you really are balanced, like in the first group.
Also by saying that the second group are " Easy pickings for an organisation that can provide instant approving friends" you are in fact edging your bets in favour of agreement from most on this board, who have once belonged to such an organisation themselves.
So whats the purpose of your post
I don't think you are being honest with yourself or others by making a group list such as this.
How's that for "unbalanced then"?
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
direct from the files of [email protected].
how to make an atheist backslide .
there is no god .
Re: Trump Card
your argument
We can't understand eternity, therefore it should not be a grounds for dismissing the existance of a "God without a beginning."
I used this argument many times when I was a JW.
This logic seems good.
Yet the analogy should not even arise if there was a God, such as described in the Bible.
There would be no need to theorise about time and space etc.
"Seek and thou shall find" teaching among Christians is stupid!
God evidently wants to play hide and seek with his creation, many claim to have found him, yet mostly all of them cannot agree on the most basic things concerning him. Such as the trinity etc.
What God would create Beings in his image and give them the capacity to ask questions about His nature,and yet deny them the ability to understand!
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
only if you're lucky.. here's hoping this is my lucky night.
Just jesting with ya, don't take it serious.
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
the following are actual signs found on church property.. .
"no god-no peace.
know god-know peace.
Mary had a little lamb her midwife had a fit!
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
just noticed the thread with the lady sporting a panama so i thought it might be as well to reconsider hat etiquette wts style............ *** w52 4/15 254-5 questions from readers ***.
questions from readers.
 is it proper for men to tip their hats to women?g.
Women can wear hats in the Kingdom Hall but men can't.That don't sound equal to me.
By the way
Thanks for the email.
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams
only if you're lucky.. here's hoping this is my lucky night.
Life can suck...but then it gets better........and you like it....and then you die!
ISP, your words of consolation are nearly as good as mine!
That's Watchtower training for you.
Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams