Okay...I too need to "come out of the closet"...first I'll offer my apologies for lurking. Everything is just so doggone interesting I forget to add my two cents! I'll read and read for hours and then get tired and go to bed without even offering a contribution! No more! I see how important it is to do whatever I can to encourage everyone as much as I can. I will say this though...I remember for a while there was some sort of difficulty going on...ie: a flame...and it made me nervous...almost like I was afraid to express myself for fear of some sort of reprisal from others. But I realize now that everyone has an opinion and I need to contribute with mine as well. Sometimes I just don't have anything to say, so at the risk of sounding stupid...I just don't say anything. The JW's did that to me. Made me so scared and carefull about every single word that came out of my mouth that I could barely talk when I finally left. I had an experience yesterday that kind of proves my point. I talked to my elder dad who wanted to know how I was doing. I told him the truth...I'm having a hard time right now. It seems like things have just gone from bad to worse. First my fiance' loses his job and then I lost mine last Friday! This gave him the perfect opportunity to tell me that the reason why I'm fianancially destitute and we've lost our jobs is because I have not returned to the KH. I'm thinking..."Sheesh! I shouldn't have said anything!". Instead, I told him "You know, when I was with my ex, and doing "everything right"...we were still financially jacked-up! And it was all his fault!" My dad was making it sound like if I just "returned" that all my financial problems would just "go away"....yeah right! It doesn't make any difference except for the fact that you're going to the KH watching the "elders" who went to school to be mechanical engineers live in nice big houses while they continually tell "the flock" that they should stay away from college! That is a real pet peeve of mine! So I'd like to know how many of us have missed out on great careers doing something we really would have loved to have done, because we were bullied into not going to college? I saw so many cases of young teenagers anxious to get married at 16 or 17 years old only to be trying to support a new baby working someplace where the pay was so low that they had to live at home with one of their parents! Sorry, I got off on a tangent...I have officially ended my lurking! I'm on a dial up now so I'll take me longer to get here and sign in...boy have I gotten spoiled..I miss my cable hookup! Thanks for listening...I'm slowly stepping down off my soapbox hoping I don't trip on my tongue!
Love you guys!