The slave is neither faithful nor evil, but he can act either way. Jesus does not answer the question, so he leaves it up to the slave to decide how he chooses to behave.
JoinedPosts by apostatethunder
Has The Prophecy of The Faithful Slave Been Fulfilled?
by Este in48but if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, my master is delaying,49and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards,50the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know,51and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites.
there is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.. who is the master of the "evil slave"?
jesus christ is not evil therefore it has to be satan.
Still thinking, we can start with what is closer to us, ourselves. And from there move ad infinitum…
What would you have to do for them to leave you alone? I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of them keeping tabs on me, even now after I stopped going to the meetings, let alone when I give them my disassociation letter which is going to be very soon. I think we have the right to know what this organization is about.
Still thinking, you are right, we don’t know what’s out there, and we blow our own trumpets too much (some more than others), but compared with unanimated matter rightly so.
Personally I believe in God because all of this has to have an origin, an ultimate cause and He has to be far superior to any of His creations, in this case ourselves. But this is just my opinion.
I suppose it’s not a question of size, the earth is a small garden in an immense desert. Each and every human is more valuable than millions of galaxies with all of their stars. Still the vastness of the Universe is humbling. God is no one to be mocked.
Who or what are you most angry at, when it comes to your situation in relation to JW Org?
by BreathoftheIndianNose ini've been receiving very bitter messages from jws i know, mostly my mother, but also others that know how to contact me electronically.
sometimes i find myself mad at her, though not displaying it.
but i know it's really not her or my fathers fault.
I have forgiven myself, I was still a minor when I got baptized and I sincerely wanted to know the Bible and serve God the right way. I didn’t know what I was getting into like nobody does. I am angry with whoever runs this cult and whoever has taken advantage of my good faith during the years I was dumb enough to stay in. Them, I don’t forgive.
by Mr Facts ini am quite impressed at the power the gb wields globally and it prompted in me the strong desire to start my own religious cult.
i wouldnt any hurt anyone though, my goal is just to experience the privilege that power and authority gives and in the process grow financial empire.. i am presently putting down some strategies down in paper and i have been watching many videos on youtube and accessing cult-related materials, learning from cult leaders arround the world and observing their modus operandi.
please if you do have any suggestion, freely offer it, i will appreciate it so much.. .
You need to be a bit of a psycho, the rest will be easy. And be discreet, don’t make it too obvious how much you are actually getting laid, likely your followers wont.
This raises a couple of questions:
Has the branch office been notified of all disfellowshipped and disassociated individuals who are now reinstated or deceased?
Why do they want to be informed of a disfellowshipped or disassociated person decease? I felt very secure in my apostate hood state, now not anymore.
Are any publishers under judicial restrictions and is their spiritual progress being monitored closely?
I wonder if some brothers could feel stalked by this. I remember I felt a bit unsettled by the last CO I had, this may explain why….
Anyway, who is obsessed with who? Are we apostates not right in feeling that we can not move on with our lives as free individuals and leave this organization behind once and for all?
Scriptural v legal divorce
by Inisc inhi everyone, this is sort of a long story but i'll try to keep it short.. mrs inisc was previously married, and before our wedding the elders were giving us a bit of a hard time as her divorce was nigh on complete but just wasn't officially finished, however what they were really concerned about was they weren't sure her ex husband had had "relations" as they like to say,as there wasn't enough satisfactory evidence in their opinion.
this of course made me almost catatonic with rage, especially since we hadn't been to a meeting in about 6 f'ing months and this was what they were worried about.
and i might add the wedding was entirely booked!.
I feel very sorry for anybody that is trapped by this unscrupulous people, that come and accommodate themselves in the married bed, that according to the Bible should be undefiled, and let them dictate their personal decisions. I have seen many cases of this during the years and all I can say is that somebody should seriously check their mental health.
Personal Attacks
by Band on the Run inrecently, i showed a great deal of vulnerability by posting that severe pain had popped out again and my morphine pump needs some tinkering.
it seems i am attacked with some frequency for posting here but other frequent posters are not.
rather than discuss the merits of a subject, some people engage in personal attack.
Hi Band on the Run, I hope you are feeling better and that you come back soon. It is ok to disagree with someone but it should never get personal. I miss to read your point of view on different issues. Take good care of yourself