I find the graphics in the September watchtower very disturbing. I also heard from some people that is still in, that they are preparing them for persecution. Maybe now that I see them from the outside, the picture is clearer, but I find them more and more extreme and even frightening.
They are preaching the fall of Christendom for many years now, what type of privileged information do they have in regards to that? The Bible? They fit the description of Babylon the Great far better than the Catholic Church. Why do they have this fixation?
They hide behind the people of the r&f, and that’s why they need to have them so controlled.
The r&f are not even going to hear about this case, even if they hear it wont have much of an effect, this are the last days, even in the pure congregation there are ravenous wolves, etc.
Even if some people inside the organization are hypocrites, some of them are not, and my heart goes to this ones, because they don’t know what they are supporting.