IMHO some have to work with us worldly ones, speak to them etc on a daily basis so it can probably be very civil. I would have no problem unless they started to force religion at me if I was clear I did not want to know. I worked with a very religious lady who did try and preach and kept inviting me to meetings etc but she accepted my opinions (eventually!) and we are good friends now. She accepts who I am even if she may disapprove and I accept her views which is how I feel it should be. The ex (jw) went to concerts, pubs, gambled, smoked, liked a drink or 3 and other things and even celebrated a New Year, all the things I know now they should not be doing. He was a baptised jw so to answer some of your questions I think many will do all these things as long as they can get away with them. If they are found out that is when the s*** can hit the fan! and yes I do think it is hypocritical and people can get hurt. Did not know about him being a jw till near the end of the relationship and he would not talk about it and that's when it all started to fall apart so maybe it was a mixture of fear of being found out and dealing with the guilt or maybe in his lofty position (COBE) guilt got too much for all his daliances with us worldlys!!
Posts by lost1
jw's view of wordly people - hipocrisy
by spirituk ini was wondering how a baptised jw see wordly people?
i mean what do they think of people who arent jw ?
do they think we will die forever and that we are controlled by satan?
Non JW involved with a JW
by LostInTranslation ini am a non jw who has been doing a fair amount of research on my own in hopes of finding some answers and understanding for my current heartwrenching situation:.
i have been dating a man for the last while, and we grew very close, very quickly.. .
suddenly he has pulled away from me, gotten very skittish and says he feels like he is leading a double life, and isn't ready for a relationship.. all the while stating that his impending divorce is the reason for his cold feet, which could be understandable except the marriage was very much "over" long ago.
You sound very positive LIT. Glad to hear it. What you have said to him is more or less same as I said. Ball in his court but only so much you can do. Have sent you a pm.
Keep strong.
Non JW involved with a JW
by LostInTranslation ini am a non jw who has been doing a fair amount of research on my own in hopes of finding some answers and understanding for my current heartwrenching situation:.
i have been dating a man for the last while, and we grew very close, very quickly.. .
suddenly he has pulled away from me, gotten very skittish and says he feels like he is leading a double life, and isn't ready for a relationship.. all the while stating that his impending divorce is the reason for his cold feet, which could be understandable except the marriage was very much "over" long ago.
Oh yes I remember the cult persona! Did eventually have a couple of texts which blamed everyone else, wife, kids, friends, illness (lots of!!) you name it. Everything he did is exactly as I have read on here, almost to the letter. I did feel for the poster whose life he stuffed up as I have spoken to them but they have moved on. Am glad. He advised me to as well. I am. You can try and help so much as jgnat says before you come out shrieky and scary!!
jgnat - have said this to you before but thank you.
Non JW involved with a JW
by LostInTranslation ini am a non jw who has been doing a fair amount of research on my own in hopes of finding some answers and understanding for my current heartwrenching situation:.
i have been dating a man for the last while, and we grew very close, very quickly.. .
suddenly he has pulled away from me, gotten very skittish and says he feels like he is leading a double life, and isn't ready for a relationship.. all the while stating that his impending divorce is the reason for his cold feet, which could be understandable except the marriage was very much "over" long ago.
Hi LIT. Another non-jw falling for a jw here! Tried everything and more to "wake him up" after he went cold on me. Found out he was a jw by googling his name and long time poster on this site blaming him for wrecking his life/marriage so should have read the warning signs. All he would say when asked him if he was a jw was not all are bad. Then the rot set in and few weeks later, literally overnight, nothing. I will never know what happened but can only guess he put the WT first and wanted out in case they found out he had been "bad". Tired everything to make him talk or open up but nothing. Hard pill to swallow but have to accept he had his fun and now he is back in the fold or moved onto someone else. Like you I did feel partly responsible and thought it was my fault but now know this is not true!!
Good luck for future and hope you find peace.
by franticfran ini have just joined this website and just wanted to say hello to anyone out there.
i am so nervous,after thirty odd years in the "truth" i feel as though my husband and i have just walked into a room full of smiling strangers and we are just standing here hoping to god someone will come up and speak to us.
scared and excited and hoping to wake up one morning and not wonder what we do now???
And yet another new member.
by AMO inhi guys & girls.. though you can sit back down in your seats now, sorry but not a jw, never have been & never will be, am a totally happy with athiest life, lol.. started lurking here about a year ago, started dating a jw woman didn't i, i here the face palms, lol.
lucky for me i found this site while trying to find out more about the jw's very early on & knew exactly how this was prob going to end.
but i thought what the hell lets see where it goes.
Hi AMO from another non JW aethiest who made the big mistake of falling for a jw, got heart broken, then got totally shunned literally overnight blah blah blah. Some amazing people on this site and some of the storys make me feel very humble and some very sad - but some have a brilliant sense of humour(outlaw) but I still come here and have even given some advise by pm so as a certain big supermarket says, every little helps!! Will hurt for a while but will get better!!
If a non-JW receives a pamphlet from a JW, then tosses it in the trash bin after reading it, he has rejected "The Truth" and will be destroyed at Armageddon.
by Calebs Airplane inhow many here have heard such utter stupidity??.
several years ago, during field circus, i was covering a seldom-worked territory which was a community of mostly busy working class people who usually sprung out of their homes every saturday morning to do grocery shopping, run errands, etc.. only a few would start their saturday morning doing yard work washing their cars, walking their dogs, etc.. but we would frequently catch most of the house-holders on the way out, getting into their cars.. so, needless to say, the use of pamphlets was prevalent in that territory.. on that saturday morning, i mentioned to the elder who had been paired up with me that most of these people are so busy that they probably just toss these pamphlets in the trash without ever reading them.. his response to this was something like: "well i hope they're not doing that.
that would not be a good idea.".
I would not take anything and even if I did by accident I would not read it and put it straight in the bin so yes I am prepared to take my chances!
Was at my wit's end with the ex and googled his name and this site and his name came up! (together with whole load of talks he had given!) One day brother ******* you will be found out, smoking, associating with "worldly" people, drinking, swearing, not forgetting the lying and being unfaithful! What a good little COBE you are! Such an inspiration to your flock! Now where did I put those photos.....
Life Never Ceases To Amuse Me, What Is My Role?
by ÁrbolesdeArabia ini get a letter from a long lost family member requesting money to help someone who helped destroy my relationship with my father before he died.
dad believed the lies this drug addict spread, and i was out of state on business.
most of my life this person has brought nothing but evil and caused many problems that will never be solved in this world.
Totally agree with Satanus. Why open up a can of worms? Do it once they will think they are forgiven and probably keep coming back for more. Been there done it - just ignore them or if they persist tell them firmly no and not to contact you again. Delete any emails/texts and ignore calls. Best scammers/con men (or women) use the guilt trick. They are scum! Rant over...
A friend of mine needs votes
by elder-schmelder in!/esdenvercchotel.
vote for robin & jeremiah.
I voted! Good luck to them