Got 3 sisters in our cong who are on meds, single, lonely, intelligent, self sufficient - last assembley we were councilled not to go to those who would speak against being a Witness, being part of a millenial world ending group ---- use prayer and association in service and the meetings to control those feelings... bull crap... there is not one who understands the complexity of a mental and emotional illness associated with no mate, no support.. all elders are married, usually have children and have no right to counsel on anything that deals with a psychiatric condition-- same as elders who counsel on child abuse issues...
The experiences they give on those who were contemplating suicide in other issues and were saved by a knock on the door by a Witness is so over exaggerated - which was another experience given at the one day recently. They didnt mention the several who committed suicide, brought up in the truth and were married with young children.... what about their mental outlook - where was their knock on the door?? Where were those elders who would read them a scripture to help them?