Inspired, inspiration can be obtained by viewing the sky, the stars, etc. -it does not mean holy inspiration however spirit directed is another apple altogether. Indicative of a force impelling something to be created- in this instance, a belief system that is totally dominating peoples lives. Who says it is holy when real estate, money grabs, changes in long held ideas-- i.e. generation - changed 6 times to my last count along with myriads of date changes....etc. Old prophets said what was going to happen from God and it did.... society says and it does not happen so who is false....
So this wording" spirit directed" is positioned to suck in people-- people want to worship.. have good hearts for the most, want better life-- HOPE.... is what "spirit directed" is based on....yet no guarantees that it will happen
Now I see other fingers being pointed to everything the society has done if this baptism question is changed. And I doubt it will be mentioned at the assemblies... just let it go and the sheep will follow...