Looking back to 1989 August 15 it states that Jesus is the mediator for only the 144,000- anointed Christians, yet the 2007 QFR answer to this question was and I quote"' However, anointed Christians do not demand special attention. They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special "insights" beyond what even some experienced members of the great crowd may have. They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the other sheep have, nor do they expect special treatment or claim that their partaking of the emblems places them above the appointed elders in the congregation.""
Plus lowly pubs have always had it mentioned that as we study, holy spirit clarifies things and where two are gathered, holy spirit is there.
I do believe the society uses the holy spirit issue to obtain their objectives, using it when they want and discouraging it when they need.