I hope
JoinedPosts by truthlover123
Was 2019 the last convention ever?
by joey jojo inin a recent feel-good instagram post about the 2019 international convention, a jw remarked, "was it the last convention we will have?".
there is no doubt jw's feel they are truly special and that world events revolve around them directly.
there is also no doubt that whether we get a vaccine for covid or not, and at the moment, its looking very certain that we will, that the world will continue to spin and life will go on, regardless of the beliefs of the jw's.. once the pandemic is over i'm wondering if some jw's will realise that even though they lived through a notable period of time, life kept sailing on, and maybe they aren't that special after all?
JW's and medical marijuana
by QuestioningEverything injust wondering what the current jw stance is on medical marijuana.
if you have any articles or links to show this, that would be wonderful.
i have an inactive family member who was wondering .
The anointing oil used y the priests were a type of drug, the fasting and 40 days on a mountain or in the desert without food would cause one to hear and see things not normal, anyone watch a current tv series of people sent out to various ungodly regions of the earth without food or water and have to search for it for 21/40 days? Many do not last- the body breaks down, yet many inspirations were given under these conditions in the biblical days.
My answer is - why not medical M J? You can get so many types for pain or anxiety -whatever the issue is.. if you can grow your own, it is organic- no chemicals. Its a plant. If controlled properly it wont eat your stomach or affect the liver as tylenol or aspirin will- T3's? Yu can get it in pill form from doctor.
Watchtower's Art Department strange and hidden images
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwatchtower examination has a youtube video about subliminal images drawn by the watchtower's art department.
i'm not a professional artist but i see too many strange and hidden images in this drawing.
i have boxed four examples of hidden images.
That is why all older publications have been ordered destroyed. The Red Revelation book shown here with Christ and crown and the had coming from the back is also showing the rod in his hand to be made of wood.
There are several other pictures in the book as well and there is no mistaking they were intentional.
I have the book.
Yet More Apostate Damage Control
by neat blue dog inunbelievable.
okay actually it's very believable.
check out the latest video on jwdotorg:.
BT - like the wording "inoculation theory"- its fitting, seeing that an inoculation takes time to do its work so too does the society in putting all shortcomings into print or talks that the pubs slowly get accustomed to (repetition, repetition} and accept. This thought process- mental adjusting the congregations or associates or whatever they are calling publishers now, have been brainwashed to accept.. without question, and has been going on for years. They plant ideas/ thoughts/suggestions in study lessons and voila- its fact in 6 months. They use buzz words i.e. it is though/ perhaps/ we have ascertained.... and so on
Its a psychological given, but unfortunately, tied in with worship that if ever shaken, people feel they have lost their faith, their life, their everything- so it goes on unquestioned.
2020-10-12--Year End Report! (as of 2020-10-14)
by Atlantis in2020-october-12th.. re: 2020 year end report.
reply below for the link and a milkshake back in the pm section.. https://www.legendairymilkshakebar.com/.
Could u pls resend
2020-10-12--Year End Report! (as of 2020-10-14)
by Atlantis in2020-october-12th.. re: 2020 year end report.
reply below for the link and a milkshake back in the pm section.. https://www.legendairymilkshakebar.com/.
A nice buttercreme icing would stick to the rim soooo good Going to try one or two
2020-10-12--Year End Report! (as of 2020-10-14)
by Atlantis in2020-october-12th.. re: 2020 year end report.
reply below for the link and a milkshake back in the pm section.. https://www.legendairymilkshakebar.com/.
Did I have a delivery too? Thanks Atlantis -
Finding a mate
by MissMary inso here i am 44 yr old divorced and free to remarry jw sister....first time single since i was 19. but guess what no single brothers in my area.
i’ve tried those stupid jw dating sites and still no luck.
oh yes there are tons of single brothers, but guess what...they all expect a hot barbie to come running into their life.
Hello MissMary- Nothing has changed... remember when you were a sister on the arm of a man, sadly unless you hit the jackpot- and I mean that-- because most men in the org wants someone younger and submissive to take care of them as a nurse whould, in their approaching old age or just plain arm candy, that may not happen..
First you have to find someone you Like! That in itself is a hard thing to do..
Second- what are their habits? In the org its hard to find a man that is not a company boy and may give u a hard time because you are not following strict adherent to the org.
THird - if you had a good marriage, dont think you will find another.
Right now - you will be a third party in all couples invites. You will not have a close association with other singles -they are probably younger and look askance at older widows - other women will see you as someone on the prowl and wont trust you around their man - and if your not pioneering you very seldom be mentioned off the platform as being asked to join the family book study night at someone's house, you will slowly find that without a man you will get a smile and how are you doing and we should get together for a lunch - they really dont give a shit about single people.
Recently there was an older brother engaged to an older sister - guess what! A younger newly baptized sister arrived and bingo- he dropped the older sister for the younger - he is in his late 50's- early 60's.....ther was talk and speculation, the older sister was upset but the marriage allowed to go on in the hall... Guess the older married elders thought it might happen to them ... You would do better to find a mate, get df's and if u desired, get reinstated. Otherwise its slim pickings.. Do not despair with all this negativity though - you are a person worth millions to a deserving guy.
2020-10-01--Care For Your Personal Needs Yourself----Full Time Servants! (as of 2020-10-06)
by Atlantis ini guess the full time servants will have to fend for themselves or rely on publishers to care for them.
------------------------------------for special full-time servants in the field in the united states branch territory1.
necessary personal needs: it is preferred that you and your mate (if married) continue to care for your personal needs yourself.
thanks for all info very much appreciated
2020-10-01--Care For Your Personal Needs Yourself----Full Time Servants! (as of 2020-10-06)
by Atlantis ini guess the full time servants will have to fend for themselves or rely on publishers to care for them.
------------------------------------for special full-time servants in the field in the united states branch territory1.
necessary personal needs: it is preferred that you and your mate (if married) continue to care for your personal needs yourself.
When 75 came and went that was the straw that broke the camels back - we were both working and as the companies were offering pensions, started to save then.... plus bonds, giving more to the pension plans than required.... was still pimi but that changed over the years but the pension plan kept building... going in our pockets rather than the society's
TODAY I feel justified in what we did, although , seeing back then what others were not doing, gave us pause as to wondering if we were "ye of little faith" - today the chickens have come home to roost as the New York lawyers are working overtime with abuse cases against the churches, WT is next and our funds will not be there and have not been for years.