Interesting to note- they keep pubs informed of prison sentences handed out to fellow believers among the worlds population of 7.8 billion. They do not mention the fact that it is not only JW's being persecuted - there are over 50 countries intensely persecuting those who believe the bible. North Korea heading the list with most Islaamic countries and China. The phillipines years ago was noted for the beheading of pioneers from the society- men and women. Some here may remember that...
Pioneers/missionaries are sent mostly to "safe" countries. The countries that would not allow witnessing always had cargo ships calling at ports - around this area anyway. Individual pioneers(male) usually loaded up with mags and books and left them with the workers on these ships where no witnessing was allowed in their country of origin. In that way, the society always said it got the message out there and into the countries.
When you take a look at 2019 memorial attendance you note 21 million attended - even if you timed that by 5 it would mean about 100 million may "come in" during the GT.. that represents maybe 13-15% of worlds population I think. so their idea of worldwide witnessing is not correct. I can be corrected maybe but thats my take.