That's what so many did prior to 75 - we bet on the man we knew- apparently strangers would have done us better
Still didn't say how old you are to be dissing anyone who had "faith" at that time.
just a good conversation at home about the hour report change.. we think the change was not impmemented because the gb are such a lovely bunch of old grandpa's having the best in mind for us individuals.. there will be only, and we say only, an organizational reason for it.
a legal reason, to protect jw.org and it's officials and wealth.. next step?
maybe selling more kh and when jw hollywood studio's in rampoo are ready a change to tv subscription.. what do you think?
That's what so many did prior to 75 - we bet on the man we knew- apparently strangers would have done us better
Still didn't say how old you are to be dissing anyone who had "faith" at that time.
just a good conversation at home about the hour report change.. we think the change was not impmemented because the gb are such a lovely bunch of old grandpa's having the best in mind for us individuals.. there will be only, and we say only, an organizational reason for it.
a legal reason, to protect jw.org and it's officials and wealth.. next step?
maybe selling more kh and when jw hollywood studio's in rampoo are ready a change to tv subscription.. what do you think?
Oh and my husband left a government pension full time job in 1973 to go-----PIONEERING- what did you do during that time? Three years later, he was looking for a job and had to start over again. Believe me, we both got employment with full time companies and a pension plan - no more thinking the governing body- small g, small b- because they had not yet made themselves important with the G....B initials indicating they were something special. Another truth came ( ABOUT THEM) when they dropped the words Holy Spirit from the baptism question #2. They have always indicated they were imperfect and could make mistakes, but when they claim they are speaking, as if from Jehovah, as they do now, you better listen or else you are spiritually sick or becoming an apostate.
So I see you do stand up for them am I mistaken in that as well? Are you a mole, or trying to find out what is truth? To have your faith shaken reaches right into your soul. It's a reckoning you personally have to deal with and asking for understanding words from the scriptures yourself can one only find the answers. Why do we need imperfect, unqualified men who lie, cover up, squander the "unrighteous riches"- to lead me down the garden path?
just a good conversation at home about the hour report change.. we think the change was not impmemented because the gb are such a lovely bunch of old grandpa's having the best in mind for us individuals.. there will be only, and we say only, an organizational reason for it.
a legal reason, to protect jw.org and it's officials and wealth.. next step?
maybe selling more kh and when jw hollywood studio's in rampoo are ready a change to tv subscription.. what do you think?
How old are you? I was at an assembly, me and 10 members of the born in family who heard an elder, off the platform, say we are at the end of the 6000 year period, entering the 7000 rest year- meaning, Its here! Our deliverance.
Also, in previous Ministry school reviews, this idea was planted over and over. Not to mention books and mags.
You have faith, you believe everything, my kid wasn't going to have to go to school, the new system was right before us. Many sold off their homes and furniture, businesses --just to hear, we were 75ers. 75ERS!
For what? For having faith in them. And you seem to think our misfortune was our mistake? For having faith.
Why would we want 75 to come? Your a joke to not have a clue as to how many were affected. How about the Book "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" later changed several years ago to "Millions Now Living May Never Die" in a study article? We, who had faith were scolded and reprimanded off platforms and by others who said we were misunderstanding the message. Really?
just a good conversation at home about the hour report change.. we think the change was not impmemented because the gb are such a lovely bunch of old grandpa's having the best in mind for us individuals.. there will be only, and we say only, an organizational reason for it.
a legal reason, to protect jw.org and it's officials and wealth.. next step?
maybe selling more kh and when jw hollywood studio's in rampoo are ready a change to tv subscription.. what do you think?
be somebody, be a pioneer to be a star!
this is going to break the hearts of a lot of uber-jw's!
reddit has now removed the video link of samuel herd telling jw's they will no longer have to report time or placements - just tick a box which says "active.".
a thought-
since pioneer hours are being counted, might this "inspire" the women of this org, who are the "large army" to jump up - those single, lowly, widowed, wives -second rate - to pioneer just to show they can " make a loud statement " in making this org proud and finally getting noticed by the male dominated society or perhaps the low interested males who have not grabbed onto the direction of the "slave" to step up and become somebody (oh, no status, no way)?
selena accused tony morris of being involved in child abuse and the pimo bethelite who just got kicked out.
let’s see how this rolls out.
Seeing how Anderson got right into the meat of the talk, "Jehovah owns all the gold and silver"- you know that there is a financial issue afoot. Taking away the audits and giving it a loving feel for doing it, indicates the trust is gone within the family. Someone is purchasing an expensive computer- who? Aren't the brothers told if there is a need it has to go by an authority? Who is signing off now that is going to lose their position - or has lost it?
It's a closing quarters on paying off the legal bills as hopefully, contributions are gone down. People are getting wiser, albeit slowly. When they have to hire outside Catholic defenders for the CA cases, that is no small change payout to that "apostate, worldly company" of the publishers hard earned contributions that Jehovah does not need.
NO worries, there will be a study issue on this shortly how things have gotten so bad,, the new buildings they purchased (not new halls built) are constantly expanding their real estate empire and asking for volunteers to leave their life and work for nothing just to serve the "slave". Who is the "slave" in that regard?
Easy P- great information as usual
The cleansing has begun.
it's an interesting thought.
if you are an ex jw, presumably dfed, and you see a current jw in good standing engaging in behaviour that would concern their elders, would you pass on that information to interested parties?
do accusations from exes and other outsiders carry any weight?
My kid was reported twice, smoking, hubby stepped down and never achieved that LEVEL again- refused Kid never got baptized, best thing that happened from such a small thing. Sometimes things work out
What about the appeal process and another judge? The first judge must recuse
in the sermon on the mount, jesus foretold that earthquakes “in one place after another” would be part of the sign of the last days clímaxing in the great tribulation.. what could jesus possibly have meant?
using a phone app nowadays, there are earthquakes detected in one place after another but is this what jesus meant and did they have so many earthquakes throughout the centuries affter his prophecy or are these modern day detected earthquakes unique to this epoch?
how can we be sure unequivocally that modern day earthquakes are part of the sign fulfilling bible prophecy?.
I don't know about all the ins and outs of the prophecies- I do believe we are in for a whole lot of climate upheavals, as Canada is currently undergoing massive fires and flooding as never before -- but when a governing body member , during the ARC sits on the stand and carefully says" we would not be so presumptuous as to say we are the only true religion" gives me pause as to why Konagirl is so hard pressed to continue quoting the WT to prove her points.
That ONE slip out of Jacksons mouth gave me a whole new revelation and perspective regarding what is really going on with the society. How they are misleading the publishers, saying what they have to say to keep hold of a persons spiritual health, while leading them down the garden path.
Why do we need someone to tell us what to do and how and why to do it? We are told to keep on the watch, be prepared and have faith in Jesus-- that's it! Why a multi billion dollar real estate, stock market investment company ( not a religious company), - knock on doors to build a base of money givers to guilt into living and slaving for them? It's like we have lost our gift of free thinking and reading the Bible, thinking and realizing as to what is right for ourselves, not the men who can eat, crap and lie to hold power over lives.
The unfortunate thing is that they have brainwashed the pubs to believe as living in satans world, they cant believe the media anymore- even court cases that have proven society errors. Therefore, they are blind-- blind leading the blind. These "leaders: are worse than anything- whitewashed graves taking millions with them.