1973-74 saw hundreds if not thousands who left their jobs, sold their homes, went pioneering cause 1975 was the end- the 7000 year was starting, Jesus was coming back. Many brothers and sisters were duped, those who had invested in businesses sold them. Elders preached at assemblies that the end was nigh. Yet since then, no saying "we were wrong" instead it's the fault of those who choose to believe, to have faith in these men who say they are driven by holy spirit. The Holy Spirit does not make mistakes and those who speak as though they are online with it are in trouble. False prophets they are. With the generation change, it was one change of several in that particular word, in thinking, once again, they are right. All they did was extend the "end times" by allowing the anointed to increase as they older boys die off, extending the end times to forever down the line. Now they have changed the second baptism question again. Constant changes under the guise of "Jehovahs chariot is on the move". Crap!
JoinedPosts by truthlover123
Gaslighting older JW couples to avoid BLAME
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/kvdqtookscu?si=fuqhj44cokmdzkt7.
one of the greatest issues facing the organization today is couples that sacrificed family life or businesses opportunity in order to preach the many dates the watchtower set in the .
past only to be betrayed in recent years as the watchtower is moving away from date setting.
Disfellowshipping and Excutions
by blondie in*w60 2/1 80 - 17 there may be rare instances where a child is so hardened in its stubbornness that even the rod of correction cannot drive it out.
in the days of israel parents were instructed by jehovah to take such a rebel to the city fathers and they, in turn, took the incorrigible one out and stoned him to death.
there were no juvenile delinquents under such a system.
It's true Blondie, my BIL (whose wife put him up to it) whose daughter got pregnant did the same. Later he contacted the branch and spoke with I guess, one of the lawyers, who advised him to bring her back home. She did come back and delivered a beautiful little girl. One her parents came to love. She later got an apartment and moved out, but at least she had the comfort of her old room while she waited for birth. I purchased baby clothes for her cause I did not care what anyone thought. Her mother and father came around as well, so it was a win win. She is not in the truth today nor is her daughter.
New lawsuit against the Watchtower in Ontario, Canada
by yalbmert99 inthe new class action lawsuit against the watchtower for having covered up child sexual abuse will begin in court on may 13-14-15, 2024 in the province of ontario, canada.
it is not the same as in the province of quebec because the laws aren't the same.
i don’t have more details.
Gutierrez case judges reasons don't make sense. Just because the letters of warning were issued doesn't mean it did not happen to the kids. That leaves the door open for charges against the elders, CO,DO in charge who knew and let it happen, as good old boys clubs do. Someone has to be held accountable. Who? For the judge to say there are no sunday schools, etc. he doesn't know the kids are put in a soothing trust position from the WTBTS by saying we are all family, love, give you kids to a BROTHER who will help the kid to learn Jehovahs ways. They are teaching from the top that everyone in the org is a safe space, but, lordy, not a pervert who lies and smiles to get his hands literally on the unsuspecting chlldren. Just because they are looking so white and clean now, they never were. Where is the judges reasoning powers?
Jehovah's Witnesses "Declare the Good News" around the World this week. JW Child abuse PAGE ONE on Google news!
by Balaamsass2 in7/28/2024 sunday, despite dozens of watchtower official press releases attempting to swamp google seo, new zealand child abuse outrages climb to page one for "jehovah" news results.. ".
former jehovah's witnesses welcome inquiry's findings of 'credible evidence' of abuse.
8:07 am on 27 july 2024".
Regarding two witness rule - what about saying Jehovah and Jesus were my witnesses? What would be their answer? No, they can't be. Why? We pray to them they are with us at all times, aren't they?
Reddit thread re Oct 2024 WT with picture of window washer - Theme knocking people who Planned
by LongHairGal inthis thread currently has over 300 comments.. it shows a picture of an older man washing a window looking wistfully… then it talks all about how some may have doubts about not having planned and the situation they are in now that they are older, etc.
it refers to others who did plan and who supposedly have ‘apparent’ financial security.
in my opinion, the whole gist of this article is to make older witnesses feel better who did not pursue a career or plan well for retirement.. it tries to imply that those others who planned only have ‘apparent’ financial security - which is to say they don’t (?).
Many of the CO's, DO's were given straight funds from individual congregation members, with that, the green handshake, as they called it, those ones took the funds directly to the bank, one clerk mentioned (as one that I knew), were depositing regularly "how is it that you never withdraw?'- well they did and bought houses, apartment buildings, invested, usually drove newer cars than those in the congregations. That same one was involved in CA while he was taking handouts and overbearingly dealt with those in the congregations. Thought they were royalty.
By 1982 we knew- after the 75 debaucle, it was time to get regular jobs with a pension- both of us did and bought shares in the companies as both were offering them. thank god we did. Monies to the org stopped as did the green handshakes.
Par 10- the first sentence is the one where I could say - Yes, but it would not be becoming one of JW's!
unbaptized boy having priority over women
by enoughisenough ini was thinking about the male children ( even unbaptized ) being placed ahead of the sisters.
; and i thought the jw were raising a bunch of misogynist.
would these kids not feel more important than their mothers let alone other women.
My experience in cong as that when a certain 14 year old male was baptized, the kid was to have the lead in a car group of three women, to tell them what territory to work, etc. He was literally placed over senior ones who had pioneered for years. This wasa crock then and it is now GB/elders/MS/male kids all flexing their muscles.. No one paid attention to it then, especially his mother- but how it is now, a directive has gone out to everyone that this is now the case. Crap! Unfortunately the women will keep it to themselves while fuming- but god forbid they say anything. They need a union, as if.
The August 2024 Watchtower controversy and potential further changes
by ukpimo inas an educated guess, the august 2024 watchtower may be delayed because 2 complicated subjects need to be discussed in this issue which haven't yet been approved to be included in the revised shepherding textbook.
perhaps the revised shepherding textbook must be finalised before this watchtower is released publicly.. the 2 subjects may be as follows:.
how to shepherd and appoint brothers based on the removal of the hour requirements, getting to know the brothers instead (does this mean prioritising appointing men who have auxiliary pioneered during the co visit and campaigns or men who are regular pioneers?).
If they are going to advise the "sisters" to do better, believe me it will all be their fault that the husbands are wandering. Now they should start with the porn addiction and change themselves in the bedroom, lose weight, always say yes dear, have the kids in bed so all is quiet with clothes ironed and neatly laid out for next day, when he leaves to meet his latest! (of course, after the elders meeting and service). It's not that he is doing wrong, it's that your not doing right. I believe in shared workload, so maybe she should hit the bars and online to make it happen, or do the repair man. I have seen it happen, new car, new clothes, start to smoke, go on business trips )
First video from the convention is all about FEAR
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/cdzydtuoblw?si=tyr8hgdgaiyn7c4h.
this was leaked only few days ago and it's a small segment of the video from the 2024 convention that has already started.
the video shows a jw logo down while worried jws are watching it as a news item on their tv screens, others are seen hiding from the police, others driving is the countryside to escape the authorities.
So? Where are they all going? They are ready, go bags packed, bikes, but where are they going? No more halls- sold off! Can't get to NY to new HQ's, so where?
UK Blood Scandal inquiry findings
by ukpimo inhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-69025640.
how do you feel about this latest inquiry?
although we expect jehovah's witnesses to use this opportunity to say "we were right all this time", it's nonetheless a historic blow to the nhs.
There was a major blood scandal with Canada receiving blood from jailed inmates. Blood being sold to transfuse without being checked for viral disease. Approx 30,000 Canadians infected with Hep C, HIV- blood also sent out to Japan, Germany and Britain - late 70-80's Approx 8,000 deaths
Check out Final Report on the Krever Inquiry.
Shocking health care article by JW.Org
by KerryKing inhttps://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/w20081115/maintain-a-scriptural-view-of-health-care/#p14.
seems to me like this is another damage control article, are vaccine injured jws causing a stir?
A lot of direction is given to countries where voodoo and magical practices are encountered when dealing with the sick or mentally impaired. Families are ingrained with this custom as any family who is brought up in whatever they know. When they gain insight scripturally, they would have to seek our competent medical care if possible.
Overall in most educated countries, we find whomever we need and pay for it, if not insured. Never did follow their guidelines.