Meeting last night in Canada - no letter read -- had my mike ready to tape but nothing
JoinedPosts by truthlover123
''Special Letter'' to be Read In Canada Week of Feb 3,2019
by Beth Sarim ini have just been informed that there is a 'special letter' to be read at the meetings week of feb 3,2019 in canada.
anybody heard of this!!
just a heads-up!
THIS IS IT Tony Morris Identifies King of Norht
by scotoma inthis is the announcement we have heard “about” but now it has been released to the whole world.
its in the 2nd of a three part serries about the jw annual meeting (oct 2018).
to minute 52. .
For years Russia has been the problematic KOTN... Morris harkens back to 1914 and how astonished the world was when something happened, then he picks a quote out of 1975!!! THE YEAR all things were to end, when people sold homes, businesses, furniture, etc. My mate quite a government job in 1974 to go full time pioneering and leave his pension behind.... and they say they did not indicate 1975 ws IT??? Yes they did and it was right from the convention platform. They say we mis understood - really? Ruin lives and no apology - so what makes this announcement any more important when the scriptures say - no man knows the date or hour, not even the Son.,, along with don't be afraid.. afraid !
Three weeks ago an elder in his talk said all false religion had pedos in them- I think we really should be afraid...
I'm not alone in the congregation, after all
by ohnightdivine ini can now say that i'm not alone to know ttatt in my congregation, after all.. i have come to know that my close friend is awake, even without me sharing the ttatt with him/her.
on one of our recent conversations i mentioned about being tired and no longer being uplifted anymore, and my friend then told me he/she was feeling the same.
i don't know how it happened but we knew we could trust each other.
Right now, I can truthfully say I have come to know 3 males and three women and myself that have come to realize TTATT.
All of us still attend but the "joy" is gone and time will be the long run for us all.
The cong removes chairs now to fill up the rows and make it look as though the hall is full?? we have eyes and can see it is not ---, so its just not us. By the way, we belong to four different cong so I dont really know how others are faring.
Pictures like these and the destruction that is drilled into everyone - including kids.. leave those who are emotionally sensitive with a lot of PTSD issues as they mature.. Its not that noticeable as your kids are growing up but actions and verbal questioning on the part of children show that there is confusion and fear and nightmares that stay for years. The stress and anxiety causes many emotional and health issues that just do not go away.
This type of torture was eminated back in the early 1900's - expounded on with experimentation in concentration camps and continues today - for those who are MATURE (older) and come into the org, this is not an issue, BUT being a kid brought up and drilled in this stuff, now ThAT is a whole different issue. The child carries this for life and feels guilty if they question God plus leaving the org is a trauma many would not understand until they leave themselves.
Wacky Baccy Eh! Cannabis Now Legal in Canada
by Simon inso canada has legalized pot / marijuana / cannabis and you can go to stores today and buy some.
the local news is covering it here in calgary with crowds of thousands expected at one of only 2 stores licensed in the city but last i saw, there were only 7 people in the line so who knows how popular it will be.
i imagine all the people who really wanted to get it could already get it easily so this is more about expanding the market to new users who will be less inclined to queue for hours on day 1.. apparently you'll also be able to purchase online with discreet delivery by canada post.
In my part of Canada tax is 15% this on top of two pricing schedules $9//$15 per gram... why?? Its all grown in same soil
Friend bought $40.00 worth and was not pleased with results
Many phone ins to CBC stated they would go back to underground sources
So now what?
Apt buildings wont allow it, public areas not available, cant do it in car, smells would turn law on you if u get stopped-- It gets into your cells as it is oil based, stays in your hair//, body for anywhere from 3 - 90 days depending on daily rather than this machine that has been proven to give false positives when testing ( legal issue??) maybe they will start running hair folicle tests at roadside
They made it legal and laid down 600 laws to stop it, yet reap the cash and for what? New hospitals, better infrastructure, better education? At least people will be calm enough to not ask questions. RCMP cant come to work if they have had it within 28 days of reporting to work.... what tbout those who have PTSD because of first responders syndrome? Or emergency services personnel? Many questions- no answers
New World Translation
by Sergey Antonov ininterestingly, in the "translation of the new world" there are missed poems.
for example, in matthew 17:21. and there are several dozen of such places.
this is because these verses are in later translations, but not in the westcott-hort translation.
Wescott and HOrt--have u researched these guys? Very dark information on them, GHost Society, wanting to have their own translation and be able to bring in the new world order... a lot is written about them whether they applied the ancient docs or not, they had their own motives---- I always wondered why the wtBTS used their translations but I notice they are not listed in the foreword of the new grey bible although they were noted in the forward of the black and red ones.
Each time a new bible of any religion is released, there has to be substantial differences - about 25% according to copyright laws to be copyrighted as their own, so how many bibles out there are right?
The people who decided the Scriptures
by Doug Mason inmany people over many centuries have been involved in deciding which documents were scripture.
there has never been unanimous agreement, including today.
only the church of rome took a vote on the canon.
If you look up copyright law it states:
Any copyright 75 years old are in public domain - therefore anything before 1943 is public domain to do what you want to... so The Derivative Copyright Law( Partial) says: To be copyrightable, a derivative work MUST be Different enough from the ORIGINAL to be regarded as a New WORK or must contain a substantial amount of NEW material. Making minor changes or additions of little substance to a pre-existing work will not qualify the work as a new version for copyright purposes.
Therefore how many Bibles out there have been changed to bend the congregations to do the will of the new bible creation with its new name and directives changed many times by those who have no knowledge of languages, meanings, etc. and only use dictionaries of various languages and choose the word they want to replace what the oldest version of the Bible is??
That is why bibles have different doctrines- so many belief systems... How can you copywrite God's word? I would guess that the closest true reflection of what was required is the first 5 books written by Moses with over 600 laws.
How many times has the bible been changed by JW's and why do they call it the New World Translation - the UN and US is calling for a new world order... does that compute? Just a thought....Does that tie in with the cross and crown and wreath that was used on the front of the WT for years?
What is the current pulse in the organization with the reductions?
by SouthCentral ini have not seen jehovah’s witnesses in my neighborhood for several years now.
it appears that the cart witnessing has taken over.
congregations are being consolidated and witnesses are being forced to travel a greater distance than before.the burdens/privileges of elders seem to be ever increasing!.
Starting carts in our hall, 11 baptized out of the 2300 in attendance at the 3 day.. most of audience made up of elderly, I would say that within 5 years most of them will be gone and the initiation rate is slow so we are now waiting for halls to be assimilated as they are removing chairs to the storage and making it look like we have a full house now... recent meetings show 50-65% attendance. -- in my hall at least
Service is a routine - little of a territory done, rvs and breaks.. some studies. One study in our hall from world baptized, i re instated,
Sessions and the New Religions Guidlines
by truthlover123 incan anyone explain what this is all about?
saw a crawl on cnn that trump/ sessions are ensuring religion is protected??
or something like that - are they asking for all heads of organizations to review their mandates?.
Can anyone explain what this is all about? Saw a crawl on CNN that Trump/ Sessions are ensuring religion is protected?? or something like that - are they asking for all heads of organizations to review their mandates?
Struggling to Live a Lie
by Addison0998 init’s been very difficult, much more than i first anticipated to live a lie, (be pimo and a regular active member) i still live with my parents but i plan on moving out at the end of the year, so i really need to keep it together.
but i think people are starting to get suspicious that something is up.
i’ve stopped commenting, going on service all the time, talking at the door, and occasionally voicing something, such as a question that no one has a good answer for, that makes people think, but ahah, thinking is dangerous and wrong so that is suspicious of course.
It is difficult - I and three others in various congs are going through the same thing.... not giving donations, min service and comments, look at everyone suspiciously its a terrible way to live but its either age, faith in Jehovah himself, and not the org. - no where else to go to build "acquaintencaes" anymore.. and on and on --It's a trap... and unless you have a good support system on the "outside" its stay in and keep your thoughts to yourself, although some day you may want to break free then do it - but pick your battles