This is really a sore spot with me.. they are still mishandling abuse cases.
In many lessons,they quote that Joseph did not have to have a law to tell him to run from Potiphars wife - he knew by his moral, internal code that it was wrong to have sex with her... - he did not have two witnesses there, he left yet the society claims just because there are a few lines dealing with adult situations, that there has to be two witnesses... Child abuse is not a theme in the bible, yet the nations were abusing their children, history shows that, and God said, do not do as the nations, do not sacrifice your children to false gods.... wasn't that a criteria??? Kids are to be every way...
How does this compute that child abuse needs two witnesses? It is the internal moral person that knows it is wrong. Two witness rule should not even enter the picture if an organization wants to be clean and moral about such a heinous crime... Children, put their faith in adults to do right -- pubs hand their kids over to "strangers" just because they are baptized and mostly hold a position because...….they are "spiritually appointed"- which spirit is now in question. (see Question 2 change on the organization baptism question)
This upcoming mag is a wash job... to soothe the conscience of those who truly want to believe these things are being handled properly...they are not!
My question;; who really are the wicked?