One C O retired owning an apartment building and several houses... all from green handshakes - for any who are having a "hard" time, I do not believe it - unless they were really bad doing their job and pubs did not like him.
JoinedPosts by truthlover123
CO retirement severance?
by road to nowhere ina friend says the wt gives a substantial sum to retiring cos. he says one bought land and built near him, a desirable rural area.
i think it must have been saved green handshake money or inherited.. btw this man also thinks the gb are the smartest men alive..
Are Jehovah's Witnesses subtly directing the brothers to have homes with attics?
by was a new boy init seems if you have an attic, you'll be safest there..
Sorry mine has blown in insulation
How can taking oaths if allegiance to the USA align with political neutrality?
by Vanderhoven7 inhow can taking oaths of allegiance to the usa align with political neutrality?.
oath of allegiance to the united states of america.
in 1891 charles taze russell pledged the oath of allegiance.. .
Losch did too when he immigrated to the U S in 1991
Must Watch Movie
by Vanderhoven7 inwant to see a great movie on netflix: try.
"the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society".
saw this two night ago and have encouraged others to watch.
Excellent movie
For a good Series - Lupin - if you like drama
watched a lot of imported series - Hinterland, Bordertown, Line of Duty -
Cannot locate Longmire anymore- western - but not old western, and of course Wentworth for those who enjoy australian tv series
You could say Netflix is my network to watch most times
Need help...Resurrection JW beliefs from the 50'6 and 60's.
by Snoozy inwas talking with a gal that is most likely going back to the religion after 20 or 30 years.
we got into a discussion about having babies after "armageddon ".
she was talking about being normal ( she is practically bedridden but only in her 50's.
I thought the children of God were the anointed! Am I wrong in this assumption? If so, there are more than 144,000 in the resurrection.... SInce the NEW Testament is supposed to be written for those anointed and being specifically called the children of God, where does the other sheep fit in if they are to be resurrected?
If their sins (other sheep) are gone, being resurrected, are they are pure and anointed? (since death erases all sin)
An American Religion?
by no-zombie ini have a question.. have every member of the governing body (past and present) been american citizens?.
while i understand that some may have been born outside of the us, ultimately to serve in the world hq long term, i imagine that they all had to become 'americans'?.
no zombie.
- Losch - came into U S in 1991 - whether sworn in, ?? Claims he was in Austria prior to U S Had to be sworn in to a abuse lawsuit
The camp of Israel and the problem of pooping
by FFGhost inso, in a couple weeks, the jws move on in their bible-reading slog to the book of deuteronomy.. take a gander at deuteronomy 23:12,13:.
a private place should be designated for use outside the camp, and there is where you should go.
13 a peg should be part of your equipment.
OMG! I have had a lot of these questions too and this is so funny... never made sense to me.. its a scripture the society has never expounded on.....
Feels nice to have a good laugh in the middle of the day! Stay safe!
JW Scheduler
by truthlover123 inhas anyone on here downloaded the app " jw scheduler"?.
in perusing this site i see info re if publishers are going back to the halls after the covid is "in control".
some comments are that numbers are dropping - not here... more connected than were actually going to the halls.
Has anyone on here downloaded the app " JW Scheduler"?
In perusing this site I see info re if publishers are going back to the halls AFTER the covid is "in control". Some comments are that numbers are dropping - not here... more connected than were actually going to the halls. Recording great RV's and contacts. Now to the great new app!
Personally, the society is so controlling now with is app, all monthly expenses, meeting attendances, literature, Monthly announcements, co visits, CO Assembly, visits, etc. are all on there and you can enter your monthly service - if you don't, there is a follow up to tell you that it is due. Don't forget your donations which info is sent back to the hall and the elders and you have a number along with a blessing for your donation.
Hence, you really do not have any association with an elder calling you to get your monthly info, or even, may, if your lucky, ask how you are doing. With Zoom, no real interaction, now with JW Scheduler, you are really on your own.. Yet so under the thumb, you cannot get away from the constant barrage of tracking by an impersonal friggin app!
Also if you are late in calling in on the phone to hear the meeting, you have to wait until the administrator connects you - allowing for a tracking of your sign in time and date. How perfect! So they now know if your online and if not, ( wave) when you get on line, or not! At least when you were able to go to the hall, no one missed you when you weren't there.. No one tracked you, no one no one
This is very heavy lifting... its like a straight jacket and you will never get free..
by molybdenum init seems that g. jackson got confused during his presentation relating to jesus and his going to magadan.
( check out lloyd evans "magadangate") but the jw community seems very hesitant and quiet on this apparent "faux pas".
has anyone had any feedback from jw's that you know on this or are they just sweeping it under the carpet as being nothing of particular note?.
that was a town in old israel so maybe not??
Changes In Canada
by LetTheTruthBeKnown ini am surprised no one has mentioned what is going on in canada.. maybe they have but i missed it.
so here are some of the facts as i know them.
ontario only.. sault st. marie had their six congregations whittled down to two.
This list is not just for 2019- it carries on to October 24, 2020 and since covid has kept halls closed, this could be the latest report - mine is on here but two others are not and as far as donations--- they are sending them in like crazy- I dont know what is happening in other areas and I dont know if they are lying when they read the reports to make it look good, but if numbers are correct, they are not losing on that end and yet the halls sit unsold. Maintenance only.