How old are you? I was at an assembly, me and 10 members of the born in family who heard an elder, off the platform, say we are at the end of the 6000 year period, entering the 7000 rest year- meaning, Its here! Our deliverance.
Also, in previous Ministry school reviews, this idea was planted over and over. Not to mention books and mags.
You have faith, you believe everything, my kid wasn't going to have to go to school, the new system was right before us. Many sold off their homes and furniture, businesses --just to hear, we were 75ers. 75ERS!
For what? For having faith in them. And you seem to think our misfortune was our mistake? For having faith.
Why would we want 75 to come? Your a joke to not have a clue as to how many were affected. How about the Book "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" later changed several years ago to "Millions Now Living May Never Die" in a study article? We, who had faith were scolded and reprimanded off platforms and by others who said we were misunderstanding the message. Really?