So is the bible real guuyyzzz???
So is the bible real guuyyzzz???
i was a jw from infancy.
we had a melting pot type of congregation.
i grew up with all types of witnesses , all with different backgrounds.
I am sure any bethrlite that worked in the office complex will confirm Sydlik had intense beliefs regarding race.
While I was there I remember:
1. Anyone at a table wearing bright colors "must have went shopping in Jew town for that tie/ suit jacket"
2. Blacks playing basket all were like gazelles in their ability to jump and run fast.
3. Most Asian cultures eat foods that even most wild animals will not consume.
I could go on. But I think it is obvious...
i was a jw from infancy.
we had a melting pot type of congregation.
i grew up with all types of witnesses , all with different backgrounds.
Our congregation in NYC in the 80s had a co arrive to break up the racism.
They refused to appoint black elders or ms and the attendants would ask black brothers to get up and move to the rear and seat white brothers and new comers in those spots.
Brother angelokis came in to solve the issue. Then two years later... the white friends left and went to a more white friendly hall.
20 years later in New Jersey the white brothers were counseled about not allowing black and Hispanic brothers parts on the c.o.
Brother brown Payne comes in and shakes things up. All the white brothers leave the irvington congregations and travel to the Springfield congos...
Yes they were racist
if you do support sanctuary cities, would you be happy to live in one?.
hey, in the bible, sanctuary cities were acceptable, right?
I have in-laws who live in Rockville Maryland. Pretty high-end area. They are Immigrants, they are liberals, they have great careers.
Back in 2012/2013 they all yelled and screamed at me about how close-minded I was for not thinking sanctuary cities were a good idea, and how it would be a problem. I was an ignorant d-bag in their eyes, and a xenophobic American. They railed about how immigrants add spice to a community etc.. etc.. etc...
A few years later they are closet republicans and are irate at how badly immigrants are eroding the values of the city, depleting resources, destroying schools and bringing in huge amounts of crime. Gang members in 5 star schools, graffiti appearing everywhere, drugs, and the feeling that a multicultural city is being torn to shreds.
I told them, "you thought everything was fine and dandy when Obama was selling you the sob stories, well now you get to deal with the aftermath".
kurd is the word - the word is kurd________who the heck are they?.
once upon a time, world war one ended and three people created a new place out of thin air called: iraq.
(gertrude bell, lawrence of arabia, winston churchill).this new country was divided up into 3 chunks:kurdsunnishia_____solemn promises made by colonel t.e.
Wait a minute... isn't Terry the guy that stated on here that his grandfather who was a member of the KKK wasn't a bad guy or something?
i just want to gt this clear before I decide if he is being serious here in his assessment of Assad.
why are for the most part brown-colored people held in detention centers?
where are the rest of illegal immigrants?i think the question is valid -- as one website noted: "the u.s. government does not maintain reliable demographics of who is in immigration detention..." (
a canadian woman not too long ago said to me (spontaneously - i did not bring up the subject) the following words when she heard the live tv news broadcast, which dealt about the immigrants being held at dozens of detention centers in usa: "i am canadian, and i have been living here illegally for 29 years.
Dont forget that many illegals in the inner city are often taken to local jain then straight to airports and flown to home country
why are for the most part brown-colored people held in detention centers?
where are the rest of illegal immigrants?i think the question is valid -- as one website noted: "the u.s. government does not maintain reliable demographics of who is in immigration detention..." (
a canadian woman not too long ago said to me (spontaneously - i did not bring up the subject) the following words when she heard the live tv news broadcast, which dealt about the immigrants being held at dozens of detention centers in usa: "i am canadian, and i have been living here illegally for 29 years.
I ask you to come to a walmart un my county in NC.
Every Saturday morning 50 to 60 buses loads of illegal migrant workers go in the walmart at 10 am and shop.
They leave the fields and go shopping... just the men.
I have never seen white immigrants or black immigrants flood anywhere like this.
You only see brown immigrants because it is so many of them
For god sake the number of Hispanics in 35 years has eclipsed the NJ imber of African Americans in the country.
They are everywhere. There has been a 1200 percent increase of hispanics in many southern counties un the last 20 years. 1200 percent, let that sink in
recently a friend and i were having a conversation about the news media.
he is a democrat but he’s also a very reasonable person.
i’ve known him for many years.
To this day one of the biggest tools used to say that Trump is a racist is when CNN constantly says that Trump said, "Mexicans are rapist...".
They never play the whole soundbite or atleast finish the friggin sentence so people understand what he said.
There was a time not so long ago that doing something like this would cost a person their entire career and the station would issue an apology. Now it is as if there are no rules to journalism.
we all know/knew people in the kh that were about nuts.
tell us your strangest stories.
i will start.
An annointed pioneer who killed her jehovahs witness husband. Went to jail and came back still eating the crackers.
Another sister who said she was annointed. She literally wore fishnets and micro minis to the memorial... ate crackers and left
Another brother who was previously gay. Lived in the same house with his ex-lover... one was on second floor other on first. He was a MS and died in his car in front of kingdom hall.
The weird Bethel losers... too many too mention
seriously, it’s getting to a point that you can’t make a negative comment about someone without being charged as a racist, homophobe or sexist!
if you criticize a female, you are obviously sexist.
if you criticize someone who happens to be gay, you must hate homosexuals.
Whatever happened to using the word prejudice?