If you have a cellphone you have invited big brother into your house, your car, your place of work and anywhere else you take your phone...
JoinedPosts by silentbuddha
Do You Use “ALEXA”?
by minimus ini got the amazon echo dot and it’s pretty good.
do you use it for anything?.
by road to nowhere inthe daily wire.
facebook glitch reveals father, activist behind greta thunberg's facebook .... i'm not good at getting links right.
but this is interesting in light of greta supposedly doing things on her own according to dear old dad.
JimmyYoung, you are angry and that is fine. The problem is, your anger makes you react and respond on pure emotion and you end up disagreeing with and insulting people who share your thoughts... to a degree.
Were / Are the Governing Body "Rock Stars"
by Number 6 inin 1976 when i was a young lad of 6, fred franz came to glasgow and gave a talk in govan a suburb on the south side of the city (for those of you who dont know).
our congregation hired a bus to ferry us all to the hall and it was standing room only.
being only 6, i have only the vaguest of memories other than an old man shouting and bawling from the stage.
When I was a sophomore in highschol my brother who was a bethelite called us and told us to get in the car and come to bethel ASAP. Apparently he spoke to someone and he was going to be able to get us in to see Feeddy Franz in the infirmary. He was real sick and there was talk that he wouldn't be around much longer.
My parents got all dressed up and took a bunch of bibles hoping he would sign them. We got there and we waited in line for close to 2 hours.
Everyone was crying... they came out his room looking like they found out their children had died. When we got our chance to go in my mother was trembling like a dope fiend. Everything he said they wrote down and she actually said when you get your reward please watch over our family..........................
He actually signed her bible and she cried all the way home. My dad was just quiet and when we got home he said he has never experienced anything like this in his life.
My birth felt so much less special.
Rec'd a letter from my Dad - need some advice...
by Fadeaway3pointer infader here - last meeting was in autumn 2005. lurker on this site and others.
not one to get all controversial.. typical situation, pretty much a born in and left the church at age 38 and never looked back.. i'm 53 now, parents getting older - late 70s but very active, dad is still an elder.. parents, in laws, brother and brother-in-law still uber active jws.. my family (wife and 2 adult children) out since 2005.. we have stayed close to our parents - we have treaded religion lightly and have had a pretty good relationship and have kept our personal lives and beliefs/opinions separated from them.
this was intentional - as we love them and do not want anything to cause shunning since they are getting older and want to be there for them and we respect their beliefs.. got this letter today.
I have the exact same story. Exact same. Only difference is I da'ed. I realized these people spent their entire lives in this religion and it is all they know. I jo longer want to rock the boat or cause them stress.
I also don't want to send mixed signals to my family.
Ultimately I started giving them their space. They call twice a year or when they need something. I help them out, have a 2hr convoy on the phone and go about my life.
Sometimes you just have to let people live.
They may seem as if they are being disingenuous in regards to being hurt. They actually believe you and your family who they do love are going to die. It really does pain them as parents.
Another New Idea for Money Grab by the Jdumbs
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inafter reading this news perhaps the gb(piss be upon them) might cook up an extra donation requirement for armed bros at the khalls; but we all know where most of the money will end up!.
what are your thoughts.. zing.
Being attacked by a gunman wou li d make them happy. It would be considered persecution and a sign that satan was trying to get them.
Self Driving Vehicles
by TD ini was so stoked about the whole idea a few years ago, but am having serious misgivings at this point.. what are your experiences / impressions / opinions?.
My buddy down the street had one for 3 months. He traded it and purchased a land rover. He said that there were continuous software updates which rendered the vehicle like an iPhone going through an upgrade.
He said the auto lane changing and switching was not something he felt comfortable with and when he found out that repairs were not only expensive, but after owning the car for 1 month he had to take it in. They literally pulled parts off another vehicle to get the parts.
He did actually like acceleration.
Did You Know Any "Genuine"" Old School Anointed?
by Number 6 ingrowing up in scotland in the 1970s in scotland the anointed were few and far between, but we had one old dude in our cong who claimed to be one of the anointed.
in the days when it was taken seriously.. i'd be curious how you viewed them.
thing is, he wasn't an elder, or even a ministerial servant, just a plain old publisher.. but he was revered like he had a hotline to jesus.. the other week i was talking to a friend of similar age to me but who hung around the wt a lot longer than i did, and he just commented "oh him... he was a doddery old fool who used to just sit and piss himself.
Every annointed in my hall (we had alot), was literally a nutcase.
1. One wore fishnet stockings and only came to meetings 2 weeks before and the meeting after memorial.
2. One was literally a murderer and killed her husband who was an elder. Went to jail for manslaughter and was still partaking.
3. One was a fucking bearded lady that was obsessed with acting out in character excerpts from the gospels after meetings.
4. One was claiming being annointed immediately after baptism and religiously beat his wife.
5. The most insane was a brother that everyone knew was gay. He lived on the first floor and his former gay boyfriend lived on the second floor of his house. We had book study at his house and the gay lover came down after book study with cookies and shit and talked to us like everything was normal. One night he died in front of the kingdom hall of a heart attack and was found by a neighbor because his car horn was going off for like 5 mi NJ Tuesday after a meeting in ng
If You Had The Choice To Live Anywhere In The World or Any State Where Would You Be?
by minimus ini do like the usa but winters suck!
florida has some charm but it gets brutal with heat and humidity.
california is too looney.
North Carolina, the southeast portion.
Beautiful scenery, wonderful people.
Greta Thunberg...what’s your view of her?
by minimus inshe certainly is passionate about climate change.
Well she would do well with a dose of the theocratic school.
She would get a "w" for proper use of emphasis for sure.
She isn't convincing and she is tied to her notes.
Her inability to Express herself without a written speech is sad
Greta Thunberg...what’s your view of her?
by minimus inshe certainly is passionate about climate change.
How is what she is doing brave exactly?