Latest reports are that 50 percent of people with carona have no symptoms. They say if true this would lower the death rate to .6 percents
JoinedPosts by silentbuddha
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Will Governor Cuomo be the Next President?
by RubaDub intrying to put politics aside (even though that won't really work), but ny governor andrew cuomo is blowing the other politicians out out the water (orange man [trump] and the lizard [biden]).. i don't know if cuomo has a usb port in the back of his head plugged into a hard drive but the guy speaks, analyzes and talks coherently.
the orange man always passes difficult questions to someone else.
the lizard can't comprehend what the question is but tries to answer something.. cuomo comes out with facts, analysis and direction on what needs to be done.
Career politicians spend copious amounts of time learning how to deliver speeches that they haven't written and how to deliver messages in a way that sway people.
I knew plenty of JW capable of doing the same. Remember Guiliani was called "America's Mayor" and was so calm and measured during his tenure. Everyone loved him.... now not so much.
The Cuomo's are douchebags. Look at young "Fredo" Cuomo threatening to beat some guys ass for calling him a name like a rabid animal, yet goes on CNN and acts like he is a kind gentle soul. These people are frauds.
Will Governor Cuomo be the Next President?
by RubaDub intrying to put politics aside (even though that won't really work), but ny governor andrew cuomo is blowing the other politicians out out the water (orange man [trump] and the lizard [biden]).. i don't know if cuomo has a usb port in the back of his head plugged into a hard drive but the guy speaks, analyzes and talks coherently.
the orange man always passes difficult questions to someone else.
the lizard can't comprehend what the question is but tries to answer something.. cuomo comes out with facts, analysis and direction on what needs to be done.
I remember people saying this about Guiliani during 911 when I lived in NJ.
It's your emotions. He hasn't done anything.... The Cuomo family going back to papa bear are all blowhards.
Dem cities are full of corrupt politicians and immigrants who cant follow rules due to their inability to speak english and follow instructions.
Is it any wonder that deadly viruses originate from a place where these sorts of practices take place.
Africa, the Carribean and Latin America will still suck at the teeth if China because they need the money.
It's funny, Africa owns literally 60 percent of Jamaica and they do the same in Africa.
China has threatened to withhold meds etc...
Fuck them
“I’m young and healthy so coronavirus won’t affect me” (why we need to stop this disease at ALL costs!)
by slimboyfat ineven if you are young and heathy there are very good reasons to fear this disease and take drastic actions to avoid it individually, and halt it together as communities.
not only would it be traumatic as a society to lose so many old and unwell family members and friends, but survivors of the disease may suffer significant health problems in the future.
survivors of the first sars virus in 2003 have suffered significant lung problems.
You mean the 99 percent who arent dying from it?
The Evil Masterminds Behind COVID-19: Charmin and Cottonelle
by keyser soze inof all the things people decided they needed to stockpile for a potential quarantine.
all of the stores around my area ran completely out of toilet paper this last weekend.
people were piling it into their carts and vehicles as if they were going to be holed up for a year.
We have assholes from Raleigh driving 1.5 hours, to raid our local community stores and the stores around us.
I live in a town of 600, the next town is 15 minutes away and the only town above 5000 people is 25 minutes away.
Idiots literally raiding shelves in mon and pop shops to the point that they just closed and refuse to sell.
There is far too much panic going on and it is making matters worse
Dead Sea Scrolls FORGERIES at Bible museum (scandal)
by Terry in independent researchers funded by the museum of the bible announced that all 16 of the museum’s dead sea scroll fragments are modern forgeries.
the museum ceo exclaimed, “we’re victims—we’re victims of misrepresentation, we’re victims of fraud.” the pieces are probably made of ancient leather, they were inked in modern times and modified to resemble real dead sea scrolls; all with the intention of deceiving for profit.
the researcher's report’s findings raise grave questions about the “post-2002” dead sea scroll fragments, a group of some 70 snippets of biblical text that entered the antiquities market in the 2000's.
It's like saying your original copy of Alice and wonderland was actually a 3rd addition. Cheer up, instead of having the original copy of a fairy tale... you just have a later copy of it.
“I’m young and healthy so coronavirus won’t affect me” (why we need to stop this disease at ALL costs!)
by slimboyfat ineven if you are young and heathy there are very good reasons to fear this disease and take drastic actions to avoid it individually, and halt it together as communities.
not only would it be traumatic as a society to lose so many old and unwell family members and friends, but survivors of the disease may suffer significant health problems in the future.
survivors of the first sars virus in 2003 have suffered significant lung problems.
So since there are many thousands more undetected cases that have come and gone or are still out there, what does that tell us about the death rate.
Let's say Canada has had 5000 cases. What is the death rate now.
“I’m young and healthy so coronavirus won’t affect me” (why we need to stop this disease at ALL costs!)
by slimboyfat ineven if you are young and heathy there are very good reasons to fear this disease and take drastic actions to avoid it individually, and halt it together as communities.
not only would it be traumatic as a society to lose so many old and unwell family members and friends, but survivors of the disease may suffer significant health problems in the future.
survivors of the first sars virus in 2003 have suffered significant lung problems.
The number of cases will increase. Most deaths will be for those who have weakened immune systems.
Financial markets will be in unnecessary turmoil(except in China) and people will lose homes and jobs unnecessarily.
My hope is everyone who is overreacting starts bathing in and cooking with bleach, so when this comes back next year they wont be able to see any info about it and wont be able to speak on it