Can we stop quoting M.L.K. as if his word is somehow law...
JoinedPosts by silentbuddha
Steal in Iran and Get Your Fingers Chopped Off!
by minimus inthree teens were convicted of stealing and the punishment is cut off their fingers.
some past punishments were finger and foot removal.
pretty barbaric but i bet they don’t have too many looters there..
Have You Changed Your Viewing Habits Regarding Sports and Entertainment?
by minimus indo you still avidly view sports and entertainment?
have you been affected by athletes views on racism, the national anthem, white peoples vs. black?
same question for those in the entertainment industry.
I stopped liking sports years ago. I never understood why grown people care so much about people playing with balls......................
I don't watch TV much anymore either, actors are overpaid idiots who people give too much allegiance to.
I spend most if my time grafting plants, hoping my crops grow and my kiko goat breeding is effective as I hope.
What’s up with the modern Nation of Israel?
by DATA-DOG inbeing raised a dub i never voted.
i’m not a republican or a democrat, not a liberal or a conservative.. i’m pretty middle of the road.
i want everyone to have a fair shake if possible in this life, but i definitely don’t believe in forced equality, that’s just not possible.
" The reason the number of Jews in Palestine increased was the Balfour Declaration during the First World War which allowed for "a national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine in exchange for support from the Zionists" <------------THIS.
Which is why the majority of Jews in Israel today are descendants of Europeans.
Never Forget 9/11
by minimus intomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11/2001.
i hope we never forget what happened that fateful day and learn from what happened.❤️.
I was working not far from Madison Square Garden at the time. Newly married.
3 workmates of mine were on the roof that morning drinking coffee on a coding break and we saw the first plant hit the towers. We freaked the hell out and had no idea what was going.
We stayed there watching it and a while later the second plane hit. My friend was like omg somethings up and was like let's get outta here (she lived 2 blocks from me and we took the same train).
We hurried to the train station and got on the PATH train into Jersey City. Midway through power went out and we were stuck in a tunnel for what seemed like forever.
The weeks that followed were horrible because every sound and flash seemed like another attack
Message to the UK gov: let all Afghan interpreters in!
by LoveUniHateExams inyeah, so apparently only two afghan interpreters have been allowed to settle in the uk, along with their immediate family.
this is good but nowhere near good enough.. there are still approx.
40 more translators still trying to survive in afghanistan.. the threat to these people and their families are the taliban and isis-linked terrorists.
Something similar happened here in the US Afew years ago and the father ended up getting executed. A man who risked it all to help maintain the safety of the USA from savages with the hope of a better life left to die.
Meanwhile economic migrants who are who only care about their pockets can flood the southern border and get total support.
The Jehovah's Witness religion was started by lying corrupt religoius charlatans
by Mr.Finkelstein inyes those are the undeniable facts regarding this religious organization.. these men took the return of christ as a commercial commodity and sold that to the public through the literature they published.
the doctrines they used (c t russell, j rutherford ) to accomplish this feat wasn't actually their own, they were plagiarized by other turn of the century bible speculators who were selling their own pieces of literature.
the end times, the last days, this generation were all propagated to make the notion that armageddon was coming soon in are life time and this actually started by these charlatans back in the late 1800's.. so there you have it easy to understand and clarified even more as time has progressed.
but you have to admit there are those that are more dangerous and harmful to humanity than others
Currently Islam is the worse. Can we not act like its murderous tenants are new just because it is uncool to say that the original Abraham's faith was rooted in disdain for others. Christianity once wore that crown. Judaism is the root of them all and its adherents once practiced the horrific practices we read in the Bible. Anytime your God commands you to rejoice at the fact he will kill everyone around you in an effort to make you feel special your religion is poison.
The Jehovah's Witness religion was started by lying corrupt religoius charlatans
by Mr.Finkelstein inyes those are the undeniable facts regarding this religious organization.. these men took the return of christ as a commercial commodity and sold that to the public through the literature they published.
the doctrines they used (c t russell, j rutherford ) to accomplish this feat wasn't actually their own, they were plagiarized by other turn of the century bible speculators who were selling their own pieces of literature.
the end times, the last days, this generation were all propagated to make the notion that armageddon was coming soon in are life time and this actually started by these charlatans back in the late 1800's.. so there you have it easy to understand and clarified even more as time has progressed.
Every religion is started by mentally touched humans.
All judeo-Christian religions are basically male chauvinist murder cults so pointing to just JW religious leaders as mentally touched or corrupt is actually funny.
What’s up with the modern Nation of Israel?
by DATA-DOG inbeing raised a dub i never voted.
i’m not a republican or a democrat, not a liberal or a conservative.. i’m pretty middle of the road.
i want everyone to have a fair shake if possible in this life, but i definitely don’t believe in forced equality, that’s just not possible.
Who are these reptilians you speak of...
Prepper video guy walks past a kingdom hall
by greenhornet inno big deal just wanted to share it with you guys.
i like this guys videos and follow him on you tube .
so you don't have to watch the entire video the time mark is about 8:21. this guy walks past some street signs, perhaps some can id this kh in nyc
There are literally KH everywhere. It's like posting a 30 minute episode of storage wars and one of the units has an AWAKE magazine on the floor. LoL
What’s up with the modern Nation of Israel?
by DATA-DOG inbeing raised a dub i never voted.
i’m not a republican or a democrat, not a liberal or a conservative.. i’m pretty middle of the road.
i want everyone to have a fair shake if possible in this life, but i definitely don’t believe in forced equality, that’s just not possible.
However there are a lot if excuses for anti Semitic behavior
This statement is true but on the flip side people are often very quick to label anyone who has any issue with Israeli policy as anti-semetic.
I encourage people who have this grand view of the country to visit. I spent a decent period of time thier in the mid 2000's for work along with a few colleagues.
Ultimately, it was not a very nice place to be for me and another colleague and the others were the ones who noticed. We went to a number of historic items and ultimately some of it was nice, while other areas were not what I expected.
It was similar to going to Greece except the people were far less social and unwelcoming. Which is weird from a group of people whose existence was full of discrimination and oppression.