I tried to fade
However, elders kept coming around and bothering me. My daughter who was 8 at the time asked my why I just wont tell them the truth instead of hiding...
After months of people asking, and stopping by I decided the only way to make it stop and live a genuine life was to be forward and DA.
I put a letter in the mail, and posted it to facebook. I am out, my kids, my wife, and in total about 8 people within 3 years left and have personally told me that what I did got them thinking.
I was prepared to lose the toxic relationships and be labelled, but I dont have to hide, or move, or as my daughter said act as if I was lying.
Watchtower is a corporation, when I resigned from places in the past I wrote resignation letters. This was no different TO ME. I was prepared to deal with any blowback.
There hasn't been much and what there was is over and I am living my best Authentic life.
Think it through and make the decision that you think is best