I'm not sure, I guess it would depend on what they are consuming. I cant imagine an abundance of Corona really benefitting the growth of rutabagas
JoinedPosts by silentbuddha
Poop đź’© Patrol Map in San Francisco To Help People Avoid Poop On The Streets
by minimus inwhat a shame that the streets of san francisco has turned into a s hole.
i wonder why this is happening.
any ideas?
Poop đź’© Patrol Map in San Francisco To Help People Avoid Poop On The Streets
by minimus inwhat a shame that the streets of san francisco has turned into a s hole.
i wonder why this is happening.
any ideas?
I live in a very rural where the hispanic population has increased by 1100% in the last 25 years. I am also a farmer, who has 0 illegals on my land.
With that being said, I have witnessed them urinate in rows while picking. I have seen them BM on the edges of fields. I have seen entire truckloads stop on county roads and pee in full sight of women and children. I could go on... but why
Poop đź’© Patrol Map in San Francisco To Help People Avoid Poop On The Streets
by minimus inwhat a shame that the streets of san francisco has turned into a s hole.
i wonder why this is happening.
any ideas?
Amazing that San Francisco and chicago etc... have literally thousands of homeless children under 18 that are actual Americans that people wont help...
Yet they shed real tears and provide shelter and clothing for illegals at every opportunity and want more.
People allow central american children and families live in their homes yet walk right past homeless children who come from generations of tax paying families
The Mueller Report....will it affect Trump negatively?
by minimus inthey say it will be out any day soon.
do you think the report will do major damage to trump?.
Please bring on Mike Pence. He is Trump on a cocktail of meth and jesus juice.
Let Pence get rid of abortion, revoke gay marriage, and have all women making men sandwiches and bringing them slippers after a hard days work.
Maybe just make ilhan omar or AOC president so that we will be run over by so many immigrants that the cou try will become a welfare state that is so broke that all the central americans will leave
What's the point?
by Incognigo Montoya init has always baffled me, if earth and it's inhabitants, are god's sole sentient creation (aside from the angel's and demons) along with the animal life, why create such a vast galaxy, along with billions of other galaxies, with their trillions of stars and planets, etc.
what's the point?
our galaxy surely would've been enough, in a great void of blackness.
Since the earth is his footstool maybe the other planets serve as ottomans for the 144000
Should illegal immigrants be sent “Only” to Sanctuary Cities?
by I believe in overlapping inpro-illegal immigration advocates are fighting president trump’s efforts to keep illegal immigrants out of the united states.
trump wants immigrants to enter the usa legally and in a controlled manner so as not to tax the local economies of their resources that will burden the local law abiding citizens.
“pro illegal immigrant’s advocates insist that illegal immigrants are overwhelmingly good people fleeing bad circumstances in poverty-stricken, gang-ridden or war-torn countries.
As it is these sanctuary cities serve as stopping points for many of these people.
They end up leaving to join family in rural areas and completely destroy the culture, the schools, and housing. Put them in San Francisco and tell them if they travel outside the cities boundaries before their case is heard they will be instantly sent packing
Has anyone on here used this forum to announce they were out and revealed their real name?
by HiddenPimo injust wondering if anyone has ever posted their personal information and have proof that the borg is watching and sent the gestapo to get them?.
i will be announcing my resignation and da myself - and i am objectively looking at either doing it bud dwyer (not really like him but by extension) style at a meeting or an email blast or just giving a letter to the boe?.
any advice is appreciated.
I tried to fade
However, elders kept coming around and bothering me. My daughter who was 8 at the time asked my why I just wont tell them the truth instead of hiding...
After months of people asking, and stopping by I decided the only way to make it stop and live a genuine life was to be forward and DA.
I put a letter in the mail, and posted it to facebook. I am out, my kids, my wife, and in total about 8 people within 3 years left and have personally told me that what I did got them thinking.
I was prepared to lose the toxic relationships and be labelled, but I dont have to hide, or move, or as my daughter said act as if I was lying.
Watchtower is a corporation, when I resigned from places in the past I wrote resignation letters. This was no different TO ME. I was prepared to deal with any blowback.
There hasn't been much and what there was is over and I am living my best Authentic life.
Think it through and make the decision that you think is best
Suspected sex offender finally arrested!
by LoveUniHateExams in... aaand it's julian assange.. here's the footage of his arrest.
try not to laugh.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oqjinzjq_e.
How is it poetic justice if he wasnt found guilty
How Do You Think The USA Should Allow Illegal Immigrants To Freely Flow Into The Country?
by minimus inmany people have said there is no emergency at the border for people illegally coming into the country and furthermore we have an obligation to help these people in a humanitarian way come through.
do you think we can just keep on taking in all of these people?
Illegal immigrants DIRECTLY impact the neighborhoods, economic prospects, schools and quality of life of all poor people... but in particular minorities be it black, Hispanic Asian citizens.
I lived in NY,NJ,FL, and now NC so I have seen the impact this mass migration has had in a variety of places.
Economically I am doing well, however from family and friends and my own experiences let me see the incredible harm they are doing to the already struggling neighborhoods they enter.
How Do You Think The USA Should Allow Illegal Immigrants To Freely Flow Into The Country?
by minimus inmany people have said there is no emergency at the border for people illegally coming into the country and furthermore we have an obligation to help these people in a humanitarian way come through.
do you think we can just keep on taking in all of these people?
I'm black. I have lived in the South and up North.
I have watched and still watch the hispanic population boom economically cripple the black community in so many ways it is insane.
Black people have been in this country since its inception and their population has been surpassed by hispanic immigration in basically a period of 30 years .
They have negative views of Black people, directly compare for housing and jobs and they do not assimilate.
As more arrive they continue to outnumber and extract resources that should be given to legal citizens black or white.
They are destroying school systems, taking jobs, and extracting resources that should be used to assist citizens of this country.
As more come their numbers are exceeding the birthrates of what was once the largest minority in this coubtry