Because most brothers who were single and under the age of 45 had manual labor jobs.
Cleaning. Construction, auto repair etc...
For lunch in the office complex you had to dress up for lunch in at a minimum a pool shirt and khakis.
In the home section of Bethel and some area of the factory you could wear work clothes but coming yo the table smelly or unkempt was a huuuuuuuuuge boy no. Like huge.
In the 25 and 30 buildings of Bethel however this was not allowed because it was the same area where the governing body ate some dressing up or at a minimum dressing in a button up shirt and khakis was mandatory.
In Brookly bethel there are three main sections.
The factory. The home. The office.
The factory was allowed the ability to dress down, the home was allowed a little leeway, the office was allowed none whatsoever.
It was a very strange dynamic. Most people who worked in the office complex felt as if members of the factory and the home had no real idea of what Bethel was like. The office was literally a different planet.