Good job on Germany siding with Russia and in turn China on this.
Goodbye NATO and good luck preventing communism from spreading like wildfire.
don't understand....but this crisis in ukraine seems to be getting out of control....i mean, everybody knows how to start a war..... by the way, as always, people at the borg are having a field day.....
Good job on Germany siding with Russia and in turn China on this.
Goodbye NATO and good luck preventing communism from spreading like wildfire.
apr 20, 2020. novak djokovic sparks a backlash after publicly opposing the covid-19 vaccine.
he says: “personally, i am opposed to vaccination, and i wouldn’t want to be forced by someone to take a vaccine in order to be able to travel.”.
asked by sky news australia anchor danica de giorgio why djokovic was granted the visa in the first place, the home affairs minister said: “they’re entirely separate processes”.. “to gain entry to australia you need both – you actually need the visa, which is determined quite separately, and then you have to meet the entry requirements,” she said.. “i know that people are putting the two issues together, but the visa application process and the granting of a visa is very separate to the additional entry requirements that every traveller needs to meet to be able to enter australia.”.
Countries have rules. If you don't want to abide by those rules you can't enter. If the entire sport of tennis ceased to exist and so did he, who cares.
People are upset over the fact that this yokel can't play a funding game. Who fucking cares.
Fuck all these vaccines and fuck the cult of celebrity.
i might do it one day.
A letter of disassociation is very similar to a resignation letter in content as well as purpose.
I wrote a da letter because I didn't want to be recognized or still registered as a member of Jehovah's Witnesses. I wrote an official letter so it is clear I am not one of them.
Your last sentence is the way of thinking that is confusing. Why make it difficult for the religion you left? It seems as if there is still a lot of emotion wrapped up in your heart. Just officially leave and move on.
i was appointed as a regular pioneer in a certain congregation.
in that congregation, a very obese male pioneer seduced a nice looking married pioneer sister who had two teenage sons.
her husband was a ms. both were df'd.
Doesn't trouble me but I still can't believe it. In the late 80s early 90s my congregation was looking for a new hall because the congregations were growing. The area had very little real estate so nothing was available. An elder was a realtor and he convinced the 3 congregations that met at our hall to buy a rundown home, destroy the home and build a hall there.
All 3 poor congregations poured in their savings and bought the place. The realtor elder said we should no longer tear it down, just repair it and use it as a hall. Brothers poured in months of time and money and the place looked like a papa e after a out 6 months.
Soon as all this was done the realtor elder and a few others went to the city to see about converting it to a kingdom hall. The town father's told them that the area was not zoned for that and they could not have a church there.
Well everyone was crushed... What would we do with this home??? Well the realtor elder offered to buy the house at the original price. He rented the newly refurbished house for 1 year and then sold the place for over 2 times what he paid for it
in the latest jw broadcast, anthony morris the turd gives a talk about donations.
to camouflage this, he starts and ends the talk by saying that isn't actually what he's doing.
first he starts with the usual disclaimer, 'wt has never begged for money like christendom and we never will', you know the drill.
This is the funniest shit I have ever read on this forum.
It's too bad we're not going to meetings in person so I can feel their money boxes with fake money and metal washers. They sale a fake productt, I give fake money. I'm forced to go. Good laughs all around.
so my jw father is sick.
my mother uses the opportunity to try and preach to my 16 year old daughter.
i simply told my mother to: "please refrain from trying to lure *my daughter* in with jehovah's witness questioning.
My mother has been badgering me for months to speak to my daughter who is now about to turn 17. She hasn't spoken to her in 10 years since we left.
I told her she could call her but only discuss normal things NO JW STUFF. Do what did she do? Sends her a letter about going to the Kingdom Hall and 4 text messages doing the same. I told her to stop doing this 3 times. Yesterday I kindly asked her again to stop doing this and she erupted like this because she was caught.
so my jw father is sick.
my mother uses the opportunity to try and preach to my 16 year old daughter.
i simply told my mother to: "please refrain from trying to lure *my daughter* in with jehovah's witness questioning.
Joey Jojo... This is exactly the point. It may seem innocent but it is the first step to turning someone into a cult member.
so my jw father is sick.
my mother uses the opportunity to try and preach to my 16 year old daughter.
i simply told my mother to: "please refrain from trying to lure *my daughter* in with jehovah's witness questioning.
I've accepted my mother and my family are beyond hope. 60+ years in this cult and your mind is literally fried.
This is the first time I have spoken to her in a looking time because my dad is sick. It doesn't hurt me that she responded this way. I posted it to show what happens to the mind of a true believer. She is literally mentally gone.
If courts force people to associate with the disfellowshipped then the disfellowshipped are basically opening themselves up to even more harassment. NOT WORTH IT.
so my jw father is sick.
my mother uses the opportunity to try and preach to my 16 year old daughter.
i simply told my mother to: "please refrain from trying to lure *my daughter* in with jehovah's witness questioning.
So my JW father is sick. My mother uses the opportunity to try and preach to my 16 year old daughter. I simply told my mother to: "Please refrain from trying to lure *my daughter* in with Jehovah's Witness questioning." Pretty simple request a parent would have for someone trying to re-indoctrinate their child. Well notice the JW hellfire this insane person unleashed:
"Listen to me because I'm saying this once & then I'm DONE! I am not trying to LURE *your daughter* in with questioning. This is a copy of what I sent to her. ......
Hi *my daughter*'
This is Grandma. Your dad gave me your cell phone #. I hope you're doing well. I'm sure this must be your school time so I'll be brief. Just wanted to send love your way & let you know that grandpa is in the hospital. He had a *medical procedure extracted* . He's making progress. Please pray to Jehovah that he can recover. Its difficult for him because he's an independent person. We're all praying for him. Do you pray 🙏 to Jehovah? Please call your grandpa. He will love to hear from you. His # *number removed*. Have a good day sweetie. Love you a bunch.......
There is no luring or questioning!! I said we are all praying for *your father* & I asked her to pray for him too & does she pray. Are you so paranoid about our faith that I can't ask my grandchild to pray for her grandpa?!!? I remember a little girl who gave a wonderful witness to her teacher about birthdays & holidays. A little girl who told her teacher that JEHOVAH doesn't like magic & she didn't either. A little girl who played Kingdom Hall after every meeting with her friends & she took the lead. Has your apostasy destroyed that child's knowledge of Jehovah, the only true God?
Have you brainwashed her so she doesn't want to even hear about praying to our Creator to our Maker. Did I bring a child into this world who has truly turned away from Almighty God & embraced Satanic ideas. I can't & won't deal with it. I AM ON JEHOVAH'S SIDE.
When Jehovah put Aaron's 2 sons to death, he was told not to grieve. If Aaron had grieved it would appear he wasn't in harmony with Jehovahs decision to punish them. Most of Jehovah's servants have unbelieving relatives that turn from the truth. A friend here in my congregation has cut her son off completely because it hurts her too much to see the course he's taken.
I've tried & hoped that some day you would return because Jehovah knows our heart & i truly wanted to believe that my son who made the truth his own, after all you had done.....I just knew you'd be back. Some of your old friends tell me ''he'll be back *mothers name removed*''. Well you have reinforced all the negativity I've tried not to listen too. You want this world & what Satan offers but its all a trap. When he's got you at a certain point your going to wonder what hit you. And it will probably be too late for you or your pride won't let you humble yourself before Jehovah.
So you go right ahead on deaths road and take your children with you. I'm thankful to Jehovah for the children & grandchildren that Jehovah has given me as He promised. They soothe my heart for the ones I've lost. Your dad seems to be having a difficult time because they put him back on the opioid that was so bad for him. I won't contact you or your children. I'm literally sick over this. Trying to deal with my own failing health & care for *father's name removed* isn't easy but Jehovah helps me. Isa.30:15 my strength comes from staying calm & trusting in Jehovah. I'm blocking your numbers. You can call your sister or brother. PLEASE don't stress your father with your foolishness."
08:30 - 15:30 = school.
08:30 - 15:30 = school.
08:30 - 15:30 = school.
SBF, I had a very zealous mother who assigned reading and studying. If it wasn't done then punishments / beatings would ensue. There was no option but to study.
Joe, he was 48. He had been disfellowshipped twice and had recently decided to go back about 4 months ago. When he was not reinstated he kind of went off the deep end...