I just had a question.....a rant is intertwined as well (sorry)
When I was in the JW's, I noticed so many "new ONE'Z" and "interested ONE'Z" who were nicely dressed people. Many were fairly well-groomed, the women & girls with nice stylish fashion taste.
After they were in it for several years, I also noticed a lot whose looks progressively went downhill. They progressively got less and less nicely dressed. Hair did the same. General grooming went downhill, too. Some went through significant weight gain. I distinctly remember a young girl from NYC whose JW grandmother down here gained custody of her. She was an extremely well-dressed (classic-stylish, not "hoochie"-stylish) young lady whose appearance generally deteriorated, hair and all, over the years living as a JW. I'd like to add that said grandmother was quite wealthy herself. I'd also like to note that this girl ended up fleeing back to her other relatives in NYC.
My youngest sister basically looks like shit. She is extremely attractive but my mother refuses to buy her anything but frumpy flowered near-ankle-length dresses. She had to FIGHT my parents to get rid of her coke-bottle glasses and get contacts. She has seborrheic dermatitis so bad that it looks like she has vitiligo. Her face is like, 2 distinctly different colors. (side note: if you, reader, have seborrheic dermatitis, especially on your face, please get it taken care of. It can get bad. REALLY bad.)
She has severe allergies and sinus problems so bad that I can barely stand to listen to her talk. She sounds like she's talking through a long hollow tube. One recent sinus infection left her with limited hearing in one ear--I have to get on her good side to talk, or else she can't hear me. She gained an alarming amount of weight and has the worst body-image issues I've ever known a person to have. She hasn't seemed to give a damn about the most basic grooming issues. I mean, her skin is absolutely HORRIFYING...
I have been seeing a lot more of her lately; she moved away from my parents briefly, and now have moved back in with them. She seems to care slightly more about her appearance in recent weeks. She's lost right much weight, actually combs her hair now, and has bought nicer clothes. Actually, much of these changes have occurred since she's been in contact with me. I try not to make too much mention of how bad her skin looks; I just ask her (repeatedly) if the rash doesn't hurt and if she's using anything for it. (side note AGAIN: if s.d. gets severe enough, it can go far beyond simple dandruff & skin flaking. It can become quite painful.)
These two points in this thread are somehow tied together.....I hurt so badly for my sister because I was in the EXACT SAME PLACE she is in now. I think she suffers from depression, actually. My whole appearance was SHITTY while I was in the JW's and living at home. Although I did at least make some efforts to look groomed and clean...whereas my sister doesn't. When I got away from my parents and from the JW's, I felt SO MUCH BETTER about myself. I started caring for myself and trying to look nice. I have s.d. too, but I went to the dermatologist and got medicine for it. I'm no beauty queen, but DAMN, I try to look my best.
I don't know how to help her...my parents (hard-core, staunch elder and elderette) truly don't seem to care. They constantly harp on her about how much weight she's gained and how she needs to stop being so lazy and stop eating the wrong foods. They've kept her totally dependent on them all her life--she's 22 and has never had a steady job, can't cook or wash clothes, and until the last few months didn't know what a checking account was. I won't go into the guilt trips. I am just now finding out about truly fucked-up stuff they have done to her over the years---severe control issues, guilt issues, etc. Way worse than when I and my other sister lived there.
They have drilled into her that they will literally die if she, their last child, leaves the "troof" like their other 2 kids. She's aware that my parents are 1/2 of the problem, but how can I tell her that the "troof" is the other half? I've made my point with her about my general feelings about JW, especially df'ing, but right now she's at the stage where she keeps telling me that "all congregations aren't like the one we grew up in" and "the df'ing policy isn't as strict in all congregations", etc. etc. Again I say, a few years back I was defending them the exact same way. I can't bombard her with too much right now, else the wall will go up completely. I fear my parents have irreparably damaged her and I don't know how I can help her.
There's other shit involved too--she got married to a JW boy right out of high school who's basically in the same situation. They are like two 10-yr-olds in young adult bodies. Right now they've gotten evicted and are back in with my folks, who are treating them both with hatred and contempt. I want to scream to my folks, "BUT ISN'T THIS JUST WHAT YOU FUCKING WANTED? For us to marry 'nice JW boys'? Isn't this why you think me and other sis are fucking failures, cause we married 'worldly' boys? You got a daughter who's still in the 'troof' and a nice JW SIL, so WHY AREN'T YOU FUCKING HAPPY? HUH? HUH?"
I don't know what exactly I am saying in this post--I started out with a question and I just can't stop typing. I am sorry this ran on so long, thanks if you read this far. If you'd like to comment your personal experiences regarding either the thread title or whatever, please feel free. Thanks again.
Edited by - razorMind on 19 October 2002 12:12:9