JWs biggest problem is not doctrinal issues
if you compare ex-JW reddit to ex-Mormon reddit and ex-sda reddit, you will notice that ex-JW reddit has nearly TEN times the number of subscribers as the other two COMBINED.
Why? Well each religion has dubious hidden history, and each religion has flawed theological doctrines that are unbiblical and wrong on close examination. I what makes JWs stand out is the appalling way it treats its adherents. Mormons and SDA do shun, but as far as I can make out, the shunning is not as regimented, absolute or enforced. SDA have also ceased excommunicating people about 20 years ago. Also, neither Mormons nor SDA kill adherents with arbitrary rules about permissible medical procedures. Mormons and SDA encourage education. And from memory, stats from the Aust Royal Commission, child abuse rates are half the rate, or lower, in the other 2 religions. What I am trying to point out is that those other two religions do make an effort to look after their adherents. The bOrg on the other hand has a history and culture of treating its adherents like dirt.
I suspect that 95% of the reason sites like this exist is because of the way the bOrg treats people, not the bOrg's flawed theology.