KSheltona day ago
Well, I know I didn't say this in my OP. The girl's dad and I said anytime they are together there will be an adult chaperone to prevent such things as pregnancy. When I was there for my son to meet the father, neither the girl nor my son seemed to know the first thing about being in a relationship. How to act. They were both trying very hard to show respect to the adults. Her dad and I noticed this.
This is why I think it would be a good idea. The kids need to learn how to be in a relationship at this age to know how to be in a REAL relationship later in life. If they learn now (as we did back in the 70's) then later relationships become easier to manage and not filled with all sorts of drama
It sounds like you know this relationship will fail and you just want your son to have experience. That is unfair to the girl.
I wouldn’t want my daughter to be used like this.
The JW way really is a protection don’t mess around with peoples feelings.
only enter a romantic relationship if you are ready for marriage