Hellothere14 hours ago
Dang Wow didn't know how fast rumors spread in JW land. Someone heard from long time prominent JWs that Tony was in car accident. Other from bethelits that he was removed from bethel. Others that he was still in. Other bethelits said that he was sick and hade to abandon Bethel. Wonder what rumours going around me now that I don't attend meetings 😂
On the one hand we are told as elders not to deal with rumour's only facts. But when there is a rumour that someone has possibly been immoral the elders are all over them asking questions. They say we can’t deal with rumours only facts but what if you can’t get the facts because the person doesn’t want to reveal? The elders push and push to get the details.
we need to push and push to get the details.
I remember one case of a brother who was rumoured to be having an affair. He eventually left his wife and stopped coming to meetings. He had no contact whatsoever with the elders even when they tried to ambush him coming home they were hiding waiting for a long time. They said we have to talk and he didn’t say anything so they had nothing.
they say this is wrong they have to get the details but actually this is exactly what they are doing and hoping for with TM3. They hope them not saying anything and it will go away