Don’t they believe in aliens and they will go to other planets
JoinedPosts by ExBethelitenowPIMA
PROOF Mormons have the truth
by neat blue dog indaniel prophesied that god would “set up a kingdom” that would “never be destroyed” and would “stand for ever” (daniel 2:44).
in making this prophecy, he spoke of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints... and it will continue to progress until it has “filled the whole earth”... hundreds of thousands of people are baptized every year.
the book of mormon is being translated in many languages.
Still no U turn on vax mandates for all schools
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inyou still have to be fully vaccinated to attend any theocratic schools.
elders and ministerial servants have their kingdom ministry school every year, the cobe of every congregation has to check that everyone is fully vaccinated.
after the school everyone will ask any bothers who were not there why not?
It seems impossible for them to try to change history and delete all the covid updates and try to claim they never gave direction to be fully vaccinated, I mean they still haven’t done the U turn yet the direction is still clear as day they can’t claim they never gave this direction they are still giving it.
But they certainly have tried in the past to lie and change history. Their tactics seem to be jut ignore the problem stick head in the sand and give people the impression it’s wrong to talk about it. That’s what they did about 1914, 1935, 1975 and then 2000. (Yes they clearly said the end would come before the end of the millennium)
they were clearly wrong everytime but ignore and keep JWs busy give everyone the impression that it’s wrong to talk about these things.
whenever I try to talk about the vaccines I get shut down, I don’t know what I’m going to do come next years KMS as I still won’t be allowed to go until they do the U turn.
Still no U turn on vax mandates for all schools
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inyou still have to be fully vaccinated to attend any theocratic schools.
elders and ministerial servants have their kingdom ministry school every year, the cobe of every congregation has to check that everyone is fully vaccinated.
after the school everyone will ask any bothers who were not there why not?
Everyone who followed Jehovah’s direction to be fully vaccinated had damaged their health lowered their immune system and shortened their lives.
This will become clear to everyone soon I’m surprised it’s not already common knowledge
Still no U turn on vax mandates for all schools
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inyou still have to be fully vaccinated to attend any theocratic schools.
elders and ministerial servants have their kingdom ministry school every year, the cobe of every congregation has to check that everyone is fully vaccinated.
after the school everyone will ask any bothers who were not there why not?
I can’t imagine any “benefits” worth betraying your own integrity and playing along with the now obvious insanity that is the GB. One thing I didn’t say that had probably the biggest impact on our waking up is we have run a natural health business for close to a decade. We’ve worked with more than 20k clients in all 50 states and 20 different countries. We obviously work with many JWs including many still in Bethel. We tried to warn about the v@x when the rollout was happening. Regretfully we allowed the GB updates and the disgusting elder gag letter to silence us. We truly wish we had spoken up and had been braver. Now on a daily basis our clients come in with horrific v@x injuries and illness. Many have already died and this has all happened since early 2021. We have many JW’s come in with all kinds of reactions including their children they v@x’d and they all say the same thing “we were being obedient “. They all beg us not to tell anyone they’re having problems, there is a huge cover up and lying going on. It’s ramping up quickly.
You are in a very interesting position I do hope you stay physically in.
If you go physically out you won’t be able to do much. You would lose a huge customer base JWs who you could have helped.
But if you don’t fade and at least stay physically in even if you are mentally out or like me agnostic and don’t commit either way.
My worry is that as the truth comes out how harmful these injections are, that the gov body will try to change the past and try to claim that they never ever pushed them and always said own personal decision etc. They will try to change history and say “we never ever told anyone to take it, we always left it upto the individual”
This would be more lies if they tried to say something along those lines. I mean they still don’t let anyone on any theocratic schools or building projects unless they are fully vaccinated
Still no U turn on vax mandates for all schools
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inyou still have to be fully vaccinated to attend any theocratic schools.
elders and ministerial servants have their kingdom ministry school every year, the cobe of every congregation has to check that everyone is fully vaccinated.
after the school everyone will ask any bothers who were not there why not?
The benefits are the friends and the social element. I actually love meeting up for meetings and ministry groups and always ending back at someone’s for coffee and treats.
The great gatherings and get togethers.
what do you mean all the other stuff worth dealing with? There is no other stuff that is hard. I love the Bible and love studying it.
I don’t think the governing body is right about everything at all but I love the Bible.
JWs have the best research guides and the intro videos for each book of the Bible is way ahead of anyone else
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
In the face of all the evidence that has been put out there, how can anyone possibly believe these injections were safe and effective?
how can JWs overlook all the covid updates where gov body kept pushing fully vaccinated even saying “you may be wondering what do these brothers know, wrong question. The right question is what does Jehovah know”
This was saying that Jehovah is the one telling you to be fully vaccinated. They are saying it’s Jehovah telling them to get everybody fully vaccinated.
You still can’t go to any schools or work on any projects until you are fully vaccinated.
Why can’t the majority of witnesses see this is wrong and it is harmful to follow the direction?
the answer is the same as why so many overlook all the times the gov body were wrong in the past.
They were wrong about 1914, 1935, 1975 and now the overlapping generations.
in the future they will have to change 1914 doctrine again as we are getting to far away from it. The gov bod are wrong on so many levels but as long as JWs have their blinkers on they will carry on following direction and keep getting their boosters
Still no U turn on vax mandates for all schools
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inyou still have to be fully vaccinated to attend any theocratic schools.
elders and ministerial servants have their kingdom ministry school every year, the cobe of every congregation has to check that everyone is fully vaccinated.
after the school everyone will ask any bothers who were not there why not?
Freeorange I do completely understand where you are coming from but why hard fade? Why not stay physically in at least a little for all the benefits?
what are your beliefs now? Do you believe in intelligent design or chance as the origin of life?
Im staying physically in, such good social life and real good friends who will be there for you in times of need. It’s the friends why I’m staying physically in.
I have no doubt the Governing body are wrong on many things, they are imperfect men. Just look at TOMO3 and the other three GB members who were taken off.
But I’m open to the possibility that the Bible is the word of God and maybe JWs are one of the closest if not the closest to the truth. That’s why it’s all so interesting studying the Bible but with an open mind and keeping critical thinking.
Im sitting on the fence that’s why I’m PIMA. Physically in mentally Agnostic.
Im still not willing to commit to either intelligent design or chance. Either could be a possibility but either way I think the Bible does change lives and it is beneficial
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
There were only slightly higher excess deaths above baseline over the pandemic. Most covid deaths were lies they died of something else they would have died anyway if no pandemic and it was called covid. The actual number of covid deaths was much lower than we were told.
Millions used to die of normal Flu every year but during covid nobody was dying of flu anymore. Flu went away so we were told. Of course it was a lie, they were still dying flu it was just being put down as covid deaths.
after the vaccine rollout there are actually more excess deaths than during covid.
there are more excess deaths above baseline in countries that had more jabs than countries that had less
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
I wonder if they purposely waited after bottle gate so it wouldn’t be obvious.
if he was removed soon after bottle gate then everyone will be talking about it
what they have found is best is bury head in the sand don’t talk about it and hope it goes away.
they did that with bottle gate just ignore it and hope it goes away
years later he is finally removed for alcohol abuse but again ignore it and hope it goes away
the really stupid thing is their tactics work because JWs have their blinders on
Still no U turn on vax mandates for all schools
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inyou still have to be fully vaccinated to attend any theocratic schools.
elders and ministerial servants have their kingdom ministry school every year, the cobe of every congregation has to check that everyone is fully vaccinated.
after the school everyone will ask any bothers who were not there why not?
The next KMS will be interesting if still no U turn new light on vax mandates.
Some of us will have missed two KMS’s because we are not allowed to go until the direction changes.
Do they really expect us to go and multiple injections now after all this time so we can go to these schools?
The U turn will happen the only question is when