Some say WW3 had already started just prod wars for now. The difference this time around is you can’t have a nuclear power lose the war because everyone knows what that would mean.
How can Russia ever lose? They can’t.
well--with ww3 widely forecast--can we expect to see a large growth in jw membership ?.
Some say WW3 had already started just prod wars for now. The difference this time around is you can’t have a nuclear power lose the war because everyone knows what that would mean.
How can Russia ever lose? They can’t.
i got the internet in my house and realised it's all lies....but as a pioneer/ministerial servant i chose to fade.
see i had family and friends who were fully strict witnesses.
so i played the poor lost soul brother who is not sure what's happening.
You can have that weight lifted from your shoulders by choosing JWlite. Things have changed recently and those who left years ago don’t understand how much things have changed.
I can see some toxic advice on these forums from xJWs who did hard exit and advise others to do the same because it makes them feel better about their decision. Misery loves company.
The best advice is not to do a hard exit because you will be shunned for the rest of your life by all JWs.
Just do a soft exit either become inactive and still go to meetings/ministry or fade completely and stop everything if that’s what you want.
Do it in a smart way. Don’t write a letter and don’t go and say something that will get you shunned.
It’s surprising these days what you can say and stay Jwlite. For example asking others in the congregation “have you ever doubted the GB?” Depending on how they answer you could take it either way by saying “yes we know the are not inspired or infallible they are just doing their best”
or you could push a little more if you feel you may be talking to someone else who is also jwlite.
For me I want to keep a hope that the Bibles promises may have some truth to them, but I don’t think anyone has the correct understanding or interpretation’s especially not JWs. But JWs are great people and it’s a great social club. As time goes on more and more are like me.
my understanding* is that the un is supposed to be the wild beast of revelation.
the un only came into being after wwii, so what was the beast before the new light came about?
i can't see a speculative organisation like the wt not having an interpretation of the beast before the un came into being.
I always thought the beast was the League of Nations before, this then became the UN? They teach it only came into existence in the last days so I guess 1914 again
i've been recently reinstated & am very happy about it.
i do love righteous (love & justice) and i do hate wickedness ( selfishness & sin).
i do love jehovah and the bible truths & wisdom.
First thing is talk to your group overseer. The elders will help you.
before the elders make efforts to help, try to help yourself first.
invite different ones for a meal, get involved with the congregation. Get to ministry groups and always go for coffee breaks, even if just on zoom.
that way at the meetings you will have ones to talk to and more meaningful conversations.
even if you stay JWlite and don’t fully believe all JW interpretations of the Bible then you can still have hope in the Bibles promises
i’m hearing paraphrasing like “we just don’t know” .
is this regarding 1914?
or micheal the arch angel?.
Gorb I noticed it a lot with Sam Turd. It’s kind of polite nervous laugh, over anything that Sam tries to make funny because they feel they should.
I remember his talk about a new release and he lost the envelope, he said is it here, nope. And everyone polite nervous laughed, then he was like is it over here ah here it is, and people were saying to each other oh he is so funny. But is he really?
with what is arguably the biggest change to jw life in recent decades (the scrapping of publishers counting hours) what does this lead to?.
in my mind these are the results;.
1) a massive decrease in 'preaching hours'.
There is such a shortage of brothers midweek now they are having sisters take the group and say prayers
how things have changed
i’m hearing paraphrasing like “we just don’t know” .
is this regarding 1914?
or micheal the arch angel?.
They haven’t mentioned 1914 doctrinal changes but sometimes recently they have actually said about 1914 instead of just saying 1914.
When you think about the changes about who will be killed at Armageddon they said we just don’t know, so they are admitting they never knew.
If they even admitted they never knew about 1914 and it was just copying William Miller then it would be too much for average Jdub to take.
They can’t admit this, but then again at some point they will have to. There is no way out, they have painted themselves into a corner
🎄 just thought this not former/vidiot back & forth deserved it's own christmas special !!!🎄.
vidiot6 days ago.
notformer - “…if he does attend a kingdom hall physically, i imagine there're some ‘security’ arrangements in place…”.
I’ve just been listening to this interview who say Tony Morris was often playing with his penis with his hands in his pockets
she said he was doing that while being secretly filmed for bottlegate
future gb: "please come back!
all is forgiven!".
would it work?
This is absolutely true the threat of disfellowshipping doesn’t carry the same weight it used to.
Most just ignore the direction to shun. What can the elders do if parents keep having associations with dissed family members?
Would the elders really threaten to disfellowship the parents as well? In the past that may have been a possibility, but these days there wouldn’t be many left in the congregation they are so desperate to cling on to numbers
i just saw on a video that there has been a change about further education.
here is a screenshot of a letter that went to all elders.
i am an elder but i don’t remember this one, perhaps it is only for some areas?.
Any time you mention a critical article or video to a JW, their reply will be that you cannot trust anything posted on the internet because it's likely something apostates have photoshopped or falsified to discredit "the brothers". There is plenty to be said about the bOrganization without having to fake it.
Anyone who does this is just fueling their persecution complex
Br Jackson beard was fake
Just like that letter claiming to be from Bethel saying a U turn on advanced education. JW podcasts YouTube channel insists it’s real but yet to prove it