Dear Jack2,
Please accept my hearfelt sympathy on the loss of your beloved father.
Christian Love,
my dad passed away at the hospital today after a lengthy illness.
he was 84 years old.
some of the folks here have known for awhile that he had been ill, and they have been very supportive.
Dear Jack2,
Please accept my hearfelt sympathy on the loss of your beloved father.
Christian Love,
jehovah-god is going to destroy ,annihilate all the wicked.
that includes us, people!
6,000,000,000 people.
JOHN 3:16:" For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life."
PSALMS 25:12:" Who, now, is the man fearful of Jehovah? He will instruct him in the way [that] he will choose."
PSALMS 25:14:" The intimacy with Jehovah belongs to those fearful of him. Also his covenant, to cause them to know it."
Christian Love,
i am new to all of this, even tho i have not been going to the meetings for nearly 4 years now, through the basic hypocrisy that i faced and the witch hunt i have had to put up with over the last few years.
because i dare to expose the bent dealings of a car salesmen, who happened to be a p>o> i tried to ignore all of this and thought let them get on with it.
my wife continued going to the meetings, and was shunned the whole 4 years, despite both of us being very active members of the cong.
Dear Nightwarrior and Wife,
WELCOME to the board!
I'am so sorry that you have been unjustly treated by the elders.
I'am so happy that you haven't lost faith in God. Yes, Our Heavenly Creator is a God who detests corruption; and those who carry on such practises will be exposed and will have to render an account to Him.
Christian Love,
karla and i came home for a quick shower and a change of clothes.
we ask that you keep our mother and our family in your prayers.
we posted a few weeks ago that our mother had been diagnosed with pancreas cancer and was given 6-18 months with chemo.
Dear ((((Karla and Noidea)))),
May the peace of God be with you during this very difficult time and always.
Christian Love,
i loved to be a part of the christian congregation.
i always been a good jw (18 years) and im still one.
but, internet has given me too much information on wtbts, and now i can see it is a fraud this doesnt mean i dont love jehovah or jesus, i love my brothers and sisters too, but, i cant say the same for the organization.
"But, Internet has given me too much information on WTBTS, and now I can see it is a fraud"
Dear Chilean Rick:
Why would you want to be part of an organization that is fraudulent?
2 CORINTHIANS 6:17 " Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves, says Jehovah, and quit touching the unclean thing" " and I will take you in"
Christian Love,
Edited by - AwakenedAndFree on 5 December 2002 20:38:35
i don't know why i keep burdening this group.
no one else in my life can really relate to the intertwined emotions i am going through.
my bear friends are there, including mitch, and they they try to keep my cheered up.
Dear Joelbear,
I'am sorry for what you are going through. I'am happy to know that you are under a doctor's supervision for your depression. Please don't go to the gun store!
In order for us to feel completely tranquil within ourselves, we have to become spiritual persons, dwell on spiritual things and develop a close relationship with God. Our Creator created us with a need to worship Him; and that is what true happiness means to us -that we draw close to Him. I would like to share these Scriptures with you that show us that God cares about us:
JAMES 4:8,10:(8) " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. Cleanse YOUR hands, YOU sinners, and purify your hearts, YOU indecisive ones." (10):"Humble yourselves in the eyes of Jehovah, and he will exalt you."
Christian Love,
Edited by - AwakenedAndFree on 4 December 2002 16:21:55
Edited by - AwakenedAndFree on 4 December 2002 16:28:32
i know the bible is true because.... * it is infallible.
there is not one contradiction with these pages.
humans are fallible; the bible is not.. * the word of god is the source of true wisdom.
This Scritpture describes God's Word so beautifully:
HEBREWS 4:12:" For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing soul and spirit, and of joints and [their] marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart."
Christian Love,
do you still hope to live forever?
Our Creator is a God of the living, and He desires his children to live forever as He imprinted eternal life in our minds. If you put faith in Jesus Christ, and honor him, the Scriptures assure us everlasting life.
Yes, I would like to live forever in abundance of peace and exquisite delight - its God's gift to His children. How can someone not want life under these perfect conditions?
JOHN 17:17:3:" This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ."
Christian Love,
Edited by - AwakenedAndFree on 1 December 2002 19:51:34
i'm making it official.
i'm addicted!
someone once said to me that admitting it is solving half of the problem, and i can live with the other half... lol.
Dear Teenyuck,
Cheese is yummy and is a good source of calcium.
i'm making it official.
i'm addicted!
someone once said to me that admitting it is solving half of the problem, and i can live with the other half... lol.
The Merrian-Webster Dictionary on the meaning of the word addiction:
1: the quality or state of being addicted 2: compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine or alcohol) characterized by well-defined psychological symptoms upon withdrawal; also persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful.
Dear Vivamus,
Smoking is harmful to your health. Please see your family physician for help.
Thankfully I'am not addicted to anything.
Christian Love,