best wishes for a long and endearing love.
started out like any other normal day..with plans to go to taos with my girlfriend and a good buddy o mine (wlg) sorry mang...had to give u some recognition on this one...anyhow..we went out to a nice place for some breakfast..wandered around taos, went to the taos pueblos to get a chance to watch the native americans dance at the taos pueblo...then we went out to the taos gorge..which for those who dont know is a quite big hole in the ground bout a mile down...the bridge is somewhat a daunting look down for ones who have never seen it before.... girlfriend at first refused to step one foot out onto the bridge but with a little coaxing and a promise to make sure she wouldnt fall off i gradually brought her out to the middle of the bridge where there is a small outcropping where one can stand and look out over the gorge...we stood there staring over the side of the bridge for a few minutes then i slowly took her hand in mine and looked deep into her eyes.... ....and i dropped to one knee....(quite funny too cuz initially she was like what are you doing?
)....i still had her hand in mine and she was staring down at me like i was doing something silly or humorous like is my usual personality trait...i stared at her for a minute or two and said a few sentances of which are too personal to bring up here and then i asked her to marry me..... she looked at me and said "what?!
are you kidding me?!
best wishes for a long and endearing love.
hello everyone, i've been away from the net for awhile.
during this period, i ended up loosing all my bookmarks on my jw research.
so i am starting over again in finding those sites.
reveille sounded at four-thirty a.m. "drop your cocks and grab your socks" was the order of the day and shouted for the duration of the bunk shaking and baton rattling against its metal frame.
my boot camp experience began for real just as it is depicted in books and movies, maybe even more so as we were stripped down, dehumanized, called everything imaginable.
fat boys became slim, skinny boys filled out, shy boys became extroverts, extroverts and braggadocios learned to keep their mouths shut, and at the end we were transformed into well trained men, and with that said i will not belabor the experiences of "ass hole and elbows", but for the sake of explaining how the effect my early religious experiences with jehovah's witnesses controlled my sense of reasoning i will relate my first catholic mass which i attended with a great deal of apprehention.. the first thing i saw which shocked me was the vast number of attendees, because i was under the impression from the societys teachings that the waters of babylon the great were drying up, but what i saw was in strong contrast--the waters of the river of life seemed to be flowing quite freely and in an abundance from the throne of god.
Reveille sounded at four-thirty A.M. "Drop your cocks and grab your socks" was the order of the day and shouted for the duration of the bunk shaking and baton rattling against its metal frame. My boot camp experience began for real just as it is depicted in books and movies, maybe even more so as we were stripped down, dehumanized, called everything imaginable. Fat boys became slim, skinny boys filled out, shy boys became extroverts, extroverts and braggadocios learned to keep their mouths shut, and at the end we were transformed into well trained men, and with that said I will not belabor the experiences of "ass hole and elbows", but for the sake of explaining how the effect my early religious experiences with Jehovah's Witnesses controlled my sense of reasoning I will relate my first Catholic Mass which I attended with a great deal of apprehention.
The first thing I saw which shocked me was the vast number of attendees, because I was under the impression from the Society’s teachings that the waters of Babylon the Great were drying up, but what I saw was in strong contrast--the waters of the river of life seemed to be flowing quite freely and in an abundance from the throne of God. The second shock which reaffirmed my earlier beliefs came as the earth began to tremble as the Priest spread his arms and looked heavenwards and began to pray. The trivial tremors caught my attention and the following tremor which caused the earth to roll turned into a steady shaking, which shook the Mass right out of me and rattled the teachings’ of Jehovah’s Witness right back into my consciousness. I stopped listening to his prayer and started saying my own prayer, "Oh, Jehovah, please don’t let this be Armageddon. I know I am in the wrong place with the wrong people, and doing the wrong thing, but I’ll start serving you again when I get out of the Navy." I’m sure trying to make a deal with Jehovah didn’t pay dividends; but, the tremors did subside without any aftershocks, and needless to say I never attended another Mass. I had enough of false religion to last a lifetime.
i'm sick of my bathroom and want to remodel it.
does it pay to have a professional architect design a rehab or should i just go to home depot with the dimensions and use their computer to lay it out?
the space is pretty small for a bathroom and i'd like to maximize the use of space so i'm thinking a professional consultation would be in order.
go to they have design tools for each room. It is free.
To keep it simple; keep your tub, sink and toilet in the same area--you can build around those areas while upgrading those fixtures..
You can upgrade the flooring, electrical, and millwork and cabinets.
I was a license building contract in California.
All I know is this: In South Dakota it is cold and we have no indications of global warming.
10-20 below zero. Gore needs to get his butt up here and do some research.
seen something just a few days ago, monday i believe that led to to a web sitye full of jdub blogs can anyone help me out with the web address on this would really like to get it.
I haven't seen that site,but here is mine that is a work in progress..
her name is jada marie.
she was born on 1/23/08.
she weighed 8lbs.
Thanks for the complement.
I've had so many rejections from agents that I thopught I would blog it for awhile and get some feed back.
just got back...what a city....still booming.
i think i could live there awhile.
only lost 400 bucks on poker, and played for many an hour...if i had just hit an 8 on the river i would have actually made 300. but what a social can really get to know people this way.....oompa.
I lived there from 2001-2005 enjoyed it, and such miss it. I now live in South Dakota.
My Daughter lives there and works at South Point Casino.