C'mon people, escaping the WTS should make you LESS gullible. The exclamation points, poor grammar, bizarre comparison (EBay compared to Enron?? How??), and overall panicky personality make me believe that the whole thing is probably made up or at least severely exaggerated.
C'mon people, escaping the WTS should make you LESS gullible. The exclamation points,
I realize that poor grammar, and bizarre comparison often makes one appear to be ignorant, but maybe the announcement was typed in a dimm room and the keyboard is worn out, that happened to me one time and since I was in a hurry to get the info out I did not not edit it--just ploped it out on the www. So be kind to us who are peckers and keyboard challenged. Hell, if I took time to edit, that is all I would be doing id editing.
I went through the University of Mississippi at Oxford in 1964.
I went in the front door and they kicked me out the back door.