I think Jan and I (and most scientific or logical types) might be using terms, that for us, are very accurate, but for others may be derogatory.
For example, when I say someone is ignorant - that is not a put down. That is an accurate way of saying that someone does not have all the information. It doesn't mean that someone is stupid or dumb. We don't feel superior to anyone, but we can recognize when someone hasn't done all of the applicable research on a matter. By this we are suggesting that they learn more on this subject because they very well might revisit their views if they did.
When I say someone is uninformed, to me it is similar to being ignorant. Please understand that we are not saying anyone is incompetent - on the contrary - most of us were wise enough to see through the WT! I hope our jargon doesn't offend anyone. Maybe it's because Jan and I come from the more "in your face" style of H2O, where taking offense was never preferable to constructing a logical counter-argument. This place is a little cozier, and our style seems cold and sterile.
I can only speak for myself in that I will try to be aware of this, but it is difficult to candy coat certain things. I think Jan is right. Many people are attacking the style and not the content. I agree that both are important, but I think that content should outweigh style.
As far as why do we post such things? It is because we have come to know that certain frauds are making a lot of money by tricking people. If no one said anything, it could be some of our friends here being tricked. Certainly we don’t want to see anyone hoodwinked like that. The fact is that these frauds play to people’s heartstrings. Who do they target? Usually grieving parents or widows – to me that is sick! I don’t understand why so many people are taking offense when we point out that these people are LYING to people. It’s just like back in the congregation – I wanted to tell all of my brothers that the GB was lying to them, but I couldn’t. I had evidence, but they didn’t want to hear it. Are we acting any different here?
The evidence is out there – we are providing it to you so you can check it out yourself. Until you do, you are clearly ignorant or uninformed because you do not know both sides of the story. When you do go and do the research, then if you can back up your position with evidence, then I will respect that decision. But until then, I’m afraid that many of you have been duped by professionals.
These people are entertainers and there are many people helping them out behind the scenes so they can all line their pockets with the money of poor grieving people. Do you really think these people are doing this out of the goodness of their heart? It’s been going on for centuries, and finally the scientific method has been able to expose them. Shouldn’t we be happy that these liars are exposed?