The big difference is that one has a "W" where the other one has a "V". This is speaking from the English alphabet standpoint. While there are many theories and assumptions presented by some who claim to know exactly what sound in English is represented by the corresponding Hebrew letters, in reality, we probably only have an approximation of those sounds represented by whatever English letters we use to correspond with similar sounds as they were originally spoken in the Hebrew. Nor do we know how the Hebrew sounds might have changed over the centuries of the Old Testament times. Some argue that the English vowels that should be supplied should be "a" and "e", giving us Yahweh or Yahveh. Others present some strong arguments that the Masoretic text is correct in the usgage of the vowel points, and thus an argument is made for Yehowah, or Yehovah. The two most commonly used renderings of the tetragrammaton into English are "Yahweh" (based on the Greek) and "Jehovah" (based on the Hebrew Masoretic text). However, it is not completely correct to say that either one of these are Hebrew; they are both English renderings of the same holy name. Similarly, we have two commonly used renderings of the name of the Son of God (and the son of Nun), that is, "Jesus" and "Joshua". Both are acceptable renderings, and should be viewed as variations of the same name, not as two separate names. Jesus is based on the Latin, while Joshua is based more on the Hebrew. The point is that names do change in pronunciation from language to language. Some make a big deal about "Jehovah" being an English name, and claim that Yahweh is an Hebrew name, etc. This is nonsense. Many, if not most, linguists refer to these changes in pronunciation from language to language and variations of the same name.
JoinedPosts by Reslight
The occultic roots of the WTBTS and 1799 to 1914 beliefs in Secret Societys
by Gill innice to be back!
i missed you all!.
i only have a few minutes to post tonight but have been studying cults, secret societies, occultic beliefs etc blah de blah.. i was rather shocked in my multiple readings these last couple of weeks to discover that 'secret societies', 'apocalyptic cults', esoteric belief groups etc share a common belief with the wtbts and i wonder if any others of you realised this.
Anyone familiar with Russell's works should know beyond a shadow of doubt that Russell was not a member of the Free Masons organization. The whole idea is laughable. Why would Russell spend practically all of his hours sabotaging what he allegely believed in?
Some quotes from Russell: Watch Tower June 15, 1895
R1827 : page 143
In our judgment the majority of "secret societies" are merely beneficiary and have no secret schemes antagonistic to the general public welfare, the secret rites and ceremonies being merely "boys' play," occupying the time and attention of persons who have no greater aims than those which pertain to the present life. We note, however, that several Roman Catholic Societies seem to have schemes connected with the use of fire-arms, and are therefore to be classed as malevolent rather than benevolent.
We note also that the Order of Free Masons, if judged by its past history, has some secret object or scheme, more than fraternity and financial aid in time of sickness or death. And, so far as we can judge, there is a certain amount of profane worship or mummery connected with the rites of this order and some others, which the members do not comprehend, but which, in many cases, serves to satisfy the cravings of the natural mind for worship, and thus hinders it from seeking the worship of God in spirit and in truth--through Christ, the only appointed Mediator and Grand Master.
In proportion as such societies consume valuable time in foolish, senseless rites and ceremonies, and in substituting the worship of their officers, and the use of words and symbols which have no meaning to them, for the worship of God, in his appointed way -- through Christ, and according to knowledge and the spirit of a sound mind -- in that proportion these societies are grievous evils, regardless of the financial gains or losses connected with membership in them.
The New Creation, pages 580, 581:
This brings before us the whole question of orders, societies, etc., and what privileges the New Creation has in connection with such organizations. Is it right for them to be members of these societies? We answer that while Church associations are purely religious, and labor and beneficial organizations in general are purely secular, there are still other orders which combine the religious and the secular features. As we understand the matter, for instance, the Free Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, etc., perform certain rites and ceremonies of a religious kind. Let it be understood that we are not waging any warfare upon those who hold membership in these various orders, even as we are not waging warfare against the various sectarian religious systems. We place upon one level all of those which have any religious ceremonies, teachings, etc., and consider them all as parts of Babylon, some quarters or wards of which are cleaner, and others less clean, but all, nevertheless, full of confusion, error--contrary to the divine intention, as displayed in the organization of the primitive Church and the instructions, by word and example, given to it by the inspired Founder, and his twelve apostles.
We admonish the New Creation to have nothing whatever to do with any of these semi-religious societies, clubs, orders, churches; but to "Come out from amongst them, and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing." (2 Cor. 6:17) Their things, their worship, their teachings, their doctrines, are unclean to us, though they may not be unclean to themselves. The eyes of our understanding have been opened, and now to us all things appear in a new light, so that things which we once loved now we hate, and things which we once hated now we love.
What Pastor Russell Said
Question 317:2 (1910)
I am not judging at all, I am merely saying, so far as I can tell. But my understanding is, that all of these are bundles, and each bundle is getting tighter. Some of you know a great deal more about Freemasonry than I do, and I am not here to say anything against it, because I do not know anything to say, and I do not know as I would say it if I did know it. The Lord did not send me to preach against Masonry or Odd Fellowship, nor against Presbyterianism or Methodism. Our opportunity is to tell the truth, to preach the true gospel of Christ, and the Lord says that this message is to have its effects on the different hearts. Now, if you find yourself in any kind of a bundle, you know that is not the program so far as the wheat is concerned. The wheat is to he gathered into the garner; it is not to be put into bundles in the present life. The wheat is to be free. If you find yourself in any kind of a bundle, better get out of the bundle. Trust in the Lord, and be in harmony with Him, and this will take you out of all kinds of bundles and human organizations, I believe.
I should, perhaps, say a cautionary word here to the effect that I would understand this would mean, for instance, that if I were a carpenter I would prefer to be at liberty, but if it were demanded of me that I should join a union before I could have work, and that I must pay so much of my money into that union's coffers, I should join. I should understand that I was making so much of a contribution to the general weal of the carpenters, and I would have no hesitation in the matter, because there is nothing of a religious kind there. There is nothing that would fetter my heart or mind. But if that organization should do anything I could not approve, I would feel perfectly free to withdraw at any time. So I would make that limitation. But, so far as wheat and tares are concerned, I think there are plenty of bundles all around you, and I notice, too, that these different worldly organizations, if we may so call them in contradistinction to church organizations, are also taking the same methods the church people are taking. It used to be very easy to withdraw from one of the churches and you could say, "I will thank you for a letter," and then they would take the letter and never deposit it, but burn it up, if they desired. And so with the Masons; they had a method by which anyone desiring to leave the order could ask for a demit and he would get that without any particular question. I have been informed that now this is changed somewhat. If you are a Presbyterian, and you wish a letter, they say, "To which church do you wish the letter addressed?" You say, "Oh, just make it out anyway." "Oh we do not do that now; we will give you a letter to a certain, particular church and it is to he deposited there--good when deposited there." And so I am informed that our Freemason friends are doing the same thing; they do not give demits now. If you wish to be transferred to another lodge they will transfer you, but they do not give demits now in the same way they formerly did.
A Brother: Brother Russell, I am a Mason and, unfortunately, hold a high position in the order, and I would like to make a little correction on that. A Mason is perfectly free to leave when he feels so disposed. No restraint whatever is placed upon him.
Brother Russell: I told you in the beginning that I did not know about it myself; I was only relating what a brother told me.
Another Brother: I was a Mason in a different jurisdiction from that of the brother. It may he all right in his particular jurisdiction, but it is not the same in other jurisdictions, as I know.
Brother Russell: You will notice that we never have anything to say against any of these. We have not said an unkind word about Freemasonry, and you never read anything unkind that we have ever said about it, and I do not wish to say anything unkind about Presbyterianism, or Methodism. I think that many of the dear friends in these denominations are good people, and I appreciate their characters. What I talk about sometimes is Presbyterian doctrine, and they talk about it, too. And I have read things they have said about Presbyterian doctrines far harder than anything I have ever said. I sometimes quote in the Watch Tower some things Presbyterians say about their own doctrine, and I occasionally quote in the Watch Tower something the Methodists say about their doctrine, because they say it stronger than I should wish to say it. -
Re: Angels & Women -Scans-Russell encouraging Students to read Demonic book
by Lady Liberty inhope you are having a super weekend!!
" [1] it also said that the spirit that "dictated" the novel to mrs. smith was one of the fallen angels who desired to return to god's organization.
angels and women has a three page foreword.
I highly doubt that Russell ever recommended the book for reading. He certainly never made any public recommendation of the book. It is possible that he may have suggested privately to some of his associates to read it so that he might get their feedback concerning the book.
Christian love,
Ronald -
Russell's Supposed Pyramid Date Change
The following argument, or something similar has been popping up all over the web and printed material:
One of the strangest "revelations" from the pyramids was his calculated date of 1914. The date was based on his measurements of the interior passageways of the pyramids. He said that 1914 would be the end of the world and God had revealed it to him exclusively. However, when his 1914 date for the end of the world failed, he tried to cover his tracks. The calulations were first printed in 1897 where he stated: "...this measurement is 3416 inches, symbolizing 3416 years.... This calculation shows A.D. 1874 as marking the beginning of the period of trouble...." (Thy Kingdom Come, Series III, p. 342, 1897 edition) Then in the 1916 edition it was changed to read: "We find it to be 3457 inches, symbolizing 3457 years....This calculation shows that the close of 1914 will be the beginning of the time of trouble...." Russell's pyramid actually grew 41 inches in 19 years!
Of course, as already noted, Russell's "calculations" concerning 1914, were not based on the Great Pyramid, but on the Bible. Russell did not expect the "end of the world" in 1914, nor were the changes made concerning the measurements of the Great Pyramid because "his 1914 date for the end of the world failed, he tried to cover his tracks." This is all total nonsense. Since the above leaves out part of the full statement, we present the entire "change" with some of its context here (after the 1904 change):
So, then, if we measure backward down the "First Ascending Passage" to its junction with the "Entrance Passage," we shall have a fixed date to mark upon the downward passage. This measure is 1542 inches, and indicates the year B.C. 1542, as the date at that point. Then measuring down the "Entrance Passage" from that point, to find the distance to the entrance of the "Pit," representing the great trouble and destruction with which this age is to close, when evil will be overthrown from power, we find it to be 3457 inches, symbolizing 3457 years from the above date, B.C. 1542. This calculation shows A.D. 1915 as marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1915 years A.D. equals 3457 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1914 will be the beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation--no, nor ever shall be afterward. And thus it will be noted that this "Witness" fully corroborates the Bible testimony on this subject, as shown by the "Parallel Dispensations" in Scripture Studies, Vol. II, Chap. VII.
Notice that Russell states the measurement ends in 1915, showing the trouble to begin there, and that this "indicated" that the time of trouble would begin in 1914.
Another writer makes this statment concerning the "change": "Russell 'changed' the length of the passage when the predicted date showed no promise - the passage grew 40 inches!" (The predicted date referred had to be 1914, since Russell never predicted anythign concerning 1874.) Others use a 1923 edition of Studies in the Scriptures rather than a 1916 edition.
The comparison as given of a 1903 edition of Vol. 3 with a 1916 or 1923 edition could be misleading some to think that the "change" concerning the measurement was made in 1916 or 1923 and this change was made because the earlier statement failed to come true. Some have gone so far as to state that change was made because expectations concerning 1914 failed. The change was actually made in printed editions of 1905 onward. (Mr. Russell had come to believe sometime in the year 1904 that he had erred concerning when the "time of trouble" was to begin, and made statements in that year concerning this. Before 1904 he had thought that the "time of trouble" had already begun in 1874; after 1904, evidently due to several lines of argument that had been presented to him by others, he came to believe that the "time of trouble" had not yet started, but that it would begin in 1914.) The change was noted in the ZWT of September 15, 1909, and the following brief explanatory statement was made: "Page 342, lines 17, 18, 3416 inches, changed to, 3457 inches to agree with later accurate measurement, would seem to mark 1915. The former figures were "paper measure" from Piazzi Smith's illustration supposed to have been drawn to a scale, but found inaccurate." Thus the "change" was made a long time before 1914, and did not have anything to do with any failed expectations concerning that date. Nor did this have anything to do with any change in either 1874 or 1914 calculations, neither of which dates are dependent on the measurements of the pyramid. For more on why Russell changed his mind concerning the "time of trouble" as beginning in the year 1874, please CLICK HERE
This link brings up a "rft" file of various quotes from Russell concerning 1914, especially from 1904 until his death.While Russell thought his later measurement was "accurate" in 1904, evidently neither measurement came directly from any measurement that had been taken in the pyramid itself, since no one at that time had actually measured the floor of the descending passageway to its end, due to debris.
Morton Edgar later stated concerning this:
You may have noted that, in his early editions of Vol. III of 'Studies in the Scriptures," in the Pyramid chapter, Brother Russell states that the length of the Descending Passage, from the junction of the Ascending Passage down to the Subterranean Chamber, is 3416 inches. But in all later editions of his third volume, since 1905, the length of this passage has been altered to the extent of 41 inches, the length now being said to be 3457 inches. Formerly the north wall of the Subterranean Chamber was said to mark the date 1874 A.D., but with the new measure of 3457 inches this date was shifted forward 41 years to 1915 A.D. No explanation is given for this change. (See, however, the short article, 'The Great Pyramid Measurements," on page 326 of 1st Nov., 1904, 'Watch Tower.")
We measured this passage in 1909, having first removed from it all obstructing debris, we found that neither the earlier published length of 3416 inches, nor the later published length of 3457 inches, was correct. The true length was found to be more nearly 3385 'Pyramid" inches. (The exact length is 3384.904 'Pyramid" inches.) As will be seen, this is 31 inches less than the first of Brother Russell's figures, and 72 inches less than his later one.
We, of course, immediately communicated with Brother Russell the true length of the Descending Passage. At first sight it appeared as if we would require to abandon the time-measurements of this lower part of the Pyramid's passage system, the true length being so different from what we had previously understood it to be. Yet, strange to say, instead of abandoning the time-measurements, we found that the true length of the passage established these time-measurements all the more thoroughly. Both dates, 1874 and 1914, are now seen to be indicated by the end of this Descending Passage. This indication is very exact and convincing, and goes far to establish our faith in the Great Pyramid as indeed a building of God.== Morton Edgar's Discourse: "THE GREAT PYRAMID -- Why Was It Built? Who Built It?" (About 1929)
Of course, the change in this measurement had nothing to do with the changing of any of the "dates" under consideration. There was a change in Russell's viewpoint concerning when the time of trouble was to begin and when it was to end (which he stated he did not know when it would end). This was also stated a long time before 1914 (about 1904 onward)..
Nor was the change made because the date 1914 failed to bring the expected results, because the change was made at least ten years before 1914!
Christian love,
Ronald -
Did Russell Originally Obtain the Date 1914 From Pyramids?
One site makes this statement: "Russell got the date 1914 originally from the pyramid measurements." Another site states: "One of the strangest 'revelations' from the pyramids was his calculated date of 1914. The date was based on his measurements of the interior passageways of the pyramids." Both statments are incorrect. The date 1914 was obtained from Biblical time prophecies and parallels. The date was not originally obtained from pyramid measurements, or based on measurements of passageways of any pyramid. It is true that the Great Pyramid, and this pyramid only -- not pyramids -- does verify the date 1914.
Christian love,
Ronald -
As a corroboration of the Bible, Charles Taze Russell made a few references to the Great Pyramid of Egypt. It was his belief that Yahweh (Jehovah) had this pyramid built, and that the passages therein correspond to various features of the divine plan as revealed in the Bible. Many have jumped on his use of the pyramid in this manner, and have greatly misrepresented what Russell presented.
On one site we find the following comment, which statement has often been reproduced in other documents, newsgroups and forums on and off the web: "Russell introduced occultism into his religion by teaching that the pyramids in Egypt are divine omens."
Let us first look at the accusation that Russell introduced occultism into "his religion". The word "occultism", as it is generally used in Christian circles, refers to secretive religious teachings that are not allowed to be revealed to any but those who have been accepted into the inner circle of the religion, with the inference of demonic influence. The term occultism is often used in connection witchcraft, astrology, seances, ouija boards, spiritism, etc. Russell's study of the Great Pyramid in connection with the Bible had nothing to do with such occultism.
Russell constantly admonished Christians to have nothing to do with such occultism. Thus he admonished:
"Resist the devil and he will flee from you" is the Lord's testimony. This implies an assault by the Adversary. It implies that he should be resisted and can be resisted and that in the end he will flee from us, not because of arrogance or power on our part, but, as our Master said, "He hath nothing in me"; so if he finds it useless to continue his assaults he will probably flee also from us to other fields of service. We remind all of our readers that whoever comes under the influence of Spiritism, Christian Science, Hypnotism or any other form of Occultism is thereby endangering himself, not only for the moment, but also for the future, because the evil spirits operating through these various channels seek, some in one way and some in another, to delude, bewilder, confuse the reason and bring into subjection the minds of those with whom they have to do. Hence, any of the Lord's people who have had affiliation at any time with any of these are specially warned of liability to intrusion by these spirits. We remind all that the special channel through which they have had special success is human curiosity. We urge all of the Lord's people to restrain their curiosity and rely on the Lord's Word and have no dealings whatever with any of these occult systems. -- Zion's Watch Tower, April 15, 1909, page 123.
Russell did not teach that "the pyramids in Egypt are divine omens." Russell's interest was in one pyramid, the Great Pyramid. His only interest in the other pyramids was to show their inferiority and differences between them and the Great Pyramid. Nowhere does Russell make reference to the Great Pyramid as some kind of divine omen, although he did claim that the Great Pyramid contains corroboration of the Bible, even as the fact that Egypt's and Israel's existence in this day is a corroboration of the Bible.
Christian love,
Ronald hope this comes out formatted better than my last post.)
Have Faith in God
by Reslight ini was hoping to find a topic forum of general encouragement.
not finding such an area, i have decided to post it here, as this seems to be the closest.
if this should have been placed in some other area, please let me know.
I was hoping to find a topic forum of general encouragement. Not finding such an area, I have decided to post it here, as this seems to be the closest. If this should have been placed in some other area, please let me know. Have faith in God — Mark 11:22. Our daily experiences since we became followers of Jesus have been guided and guarded apparently by the power unseen, to the intent that as pupils in the school of Christ, we may all be taught by him and develop more and more of the fruit of the spirit, and particularly more faith. How important this item of faith is we probably cannot fully appreciate now. It seems to be the one thing that Yahweh specially seeks for in those now called to be followers of Christ. . . . So according to our faith will we be able to rejoice even in tribulation. We cannot enjoy the sufferings; we can enjoy the thought which faith attaches to them, namely, that these are but light afflictions working out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. — 2 Corinthians 4:17. — Based on The Watch Tower 1904, 59 (Reprints 3324). When Satan puts mountains of obstacles in our path to discourage us, we may find it difficult to have faith in our Heavenly Father that such mountainous obstacles can be removed. Sometimes, however, what we perceive as an "obstacle" may not be what needs to be removed. What may need to be removed is the mountain of fear or hopelessness that we have built up in our own minds concerning our perceived obstacle. In such case, the mountain that would need to be removed is in our own minds, so that we would require a change of our viewpoint regarding whatever life situation we may find ourselves in. To have faith in God does not mean that we should seek only to have faith if Yahweh answers our prayers in the way we think they should be answered, but faith can firmly trust Him, come what may. — Job 13:15. Parallel passages: Joshua 1:9; 2 Chronicles 15:7; 20:20; 32:7, 8; Nehemiah 4:14; Job 35:14; Psalm 4:5; 27:14; 31:19,24; 37:3,5,7,39,40; 55:22; 62:8; 115:9,11; Proverbs 3:5,6; Isaiah 7:9; Matthew 17:20; Mark 9:23; John 14:1; Titus 1:1. The Mercy Seat From ev'ry stormy wind that blows, From ev'ry swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat; 'Tis found beneath the mercy seat. There is a place where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads; A place than all besides more sweet; It is the blood-bought mercy seat. O! whither could we flee for aid, When tempted, desolate, dismayed? Or how would hosts of foes defeat, Had suff'ring saints no mercy seat? There, there on eagle wings we soar, And sin and sense molest no more; And heav'n comes down our souls to greet, While glory crowns the mercy seat. PRAYER OF THE CONSECRATED WE don't seek, Yah, for tongues of flame, Or healing virtue's mystic aid; But power your Good News to proclaim— The balm for wounds that sin has made. Breathe on us, Yah; Your radiance pour On all the wonders of the page Where hidden lies the heavenly lore That blessed our youth and guides our age. Grant skill each sacred theme to trace, With loving voice and glowing tongue, As when upon Christ's words of grace The wondering crowds enraptured hung. Grant faith, that treads the stormy deep, If but Your voice shall bid it come; And zeal, that climbs the mountain steep, To seek and bring the wanderer home. Give strength, through Jesus, in Your might; Illuminate our hearts, and we, Transformed into Christ's image bright, Shall teach, and love, and live, like he! Christian love, Ronald
God's name ??
by Ade ini know this has probably been covered before, if so i apologize for dragging it up again.
1) is it acceptable just because its an accepted pronunciation to call god je-ho-vah
2) should the witnesses constantly be saying jehovah this and jehovah that, as it seems to me to be taking up gods name ( if it is correct ) in a worthless way.
I know this has probably been covered before, if so i apologize for dragging it up again. 1) Is it acceptable just because its an accepted pronunciation to call GOD JE-HO-VAH 2)
I suppose over the years I have seen more than a hundred proposed ways of pronouncing God's name. I have read many arguments for supporting this or that pronunication. They all seem plausible in their own light, and yet they come up with different ways of spelling or pronouncing the divine name. Some of the authors even have made claims that if one is not using their acclaimed proper pronunication of the divine name, they will not be heard by God. In truth, every argument I have seen is based upon some kind of assumption(s), and then using the assumption(s) as a foundation, the argument is built upon it. In reality, we cannot ascertain if Abraham pronounced the divine name exactly the same as Daniel, or Jesus. The scriptures do not demand an exact pronunciation fo the divine name; this does not mean, however, the divine name is not important, or that we should substitute titles for the divine name. "The Lord" is one of the translations of the name of the false God "Baal", and Adonis (derived from the Hebrew, Adon, Adoni, Adonai). Evidently, the Satan has attempted to receive the praise by means of these substitutions. However, I certainly would not say that if one is saying "Praise the Lord" rather than "Praise Yahweh" that God does not accept the person's offer of praise simply because he has substituted a title for the divine name. God can read the hearts; I cannot. There is a proper usage of the word baal as meaning "lord", or "husband", even as there is a proper usage of the word Adon. I will come back to discuss more on this later, Yahweh willing. I have discussed a lot concerning this on the Restoration Light website. Christian love, Ronald (I am not with the Jehovah's Witnesses)
Trinity pamphlet, - a response & research
by Kristofer ini'm not sure how much of this is old news to y'all but after being handed this literature, i was trying to find evidence on the ante-nicene fathers it quotes in this pamphlet.
i figured, if early christians didn't believe in it, then, to me anyway, the doctrine held some water.
i stumbled upon this essay by eric francke which is a direct response to the pamphlet and very well written in my opinion.
I am not with the JWs, but there is nothing in Joel 2:32 and Romans 10:9-13 that gives any evidence that Jesus is his God, Yahweh, and there is definitely nothing there that gives any evidence of three persons in Yahweh.
Some translations render Romans 10:13 as calling upon Jehovah or Yahweh. In Joel 2:32, the Hebrew has the divine name; thus the word "Kurios", meaning "Lord" has been substituted in Romans 10:13 for the divine name, Yahweh (Jehovah).
Certainly, Jesus is the means that Yahweh has provided for salvation (John 3:16,17); no one can come to Yahweh but through Jesus (John 14:6), and no other means has been given by Yahweh for salvation than the name of Jesus. (Acts 4:12) Jesus' name means: "Yahweh saves" or "Yahweh is savior," which ascribes the actual source of salvation to Yahweh. (John 3:16; Romans 5:8,10; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthian 5:19-21; Titus 3:5,6; Hebrews 13:21; 1 John 4:9,10) Thus to properly call upon the name of Jesus as the spokesperson and one anointed by Yahweh (Deuteronomy 18:15,18,19; Psalm 45:7; Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 12:18; Luke 4:18,21), would essentially be the same as calling upon the name of Yahweh. (Matthew 10:14; Mark 9:37; Luke 9:48; John 13:20; Romans 1:8; 7:25; 14:26; Philippians 1:11; 2:11) But to ascertain whether Romans 10:13 is calling Jesus Yahweh, let us go through the tenth chapter of Romans briefly, to see exactly who Paul speaks of.
Romans 10:1: Brothers, my heart's desire and my prayer to God is for Israel, that they may be saved.
In verse one, Paul says he prays to God, the God and Father of Jesus, for the salvation of Israel. Who is the God of Israel? This, of course, is Yahweh. (Exodus 16:12; 20:2; 34:32) Through Jesus we learn that the God of Israel -- Yahweh -- is the Father of Jesus. (Deuteronomy 18:15,18,19; Matthew 23:39; Luke 13:35; John 5:43; 8:54; 10:25) Paul thus recognizes Yahweh, the God of Israel as the source of salvation.
Romans 10:2: For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge."
Romans 10:3: For being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, they didn't subject themselves to the righteousness of God."
Romans 10:4: For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
In these verses, Paul discusses Israel's relationship with God -- Yahweh. He says that they are ignorant of God's righteousness (Romans 3:22), and sought to make themselves righteous by means of obedience to the Law. Then he reveals that the righteousness of God is in Christ, who is the end of the law [covenant] to everyone who believes. See:
"How God's Son Condemned Sin in the Flesh"
Romans 10:5: For Moses writes about the righteousness of the law, "The one who does them will live by them."
Paul is still speaking about the relationship of Israel with Yahweh, the God of Israel. Anyone who could keep the Law would be totally righteous, having the right to life thereby. If it were possible to do so, then righteousness and life would have come by the Law.
Romans 10:6: But the righteousness which is of faith says this, "Don't say in your heart, 'Who will ascend into heaven?' (that is, to bring Christ down);
Romans 10:7: or, 'Who will descend into the abyss?' (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead.)"
Those who seek righteousness by faith are are not hidden from the truth.. It is not something far off in heaven or in the grave. Those of faith do not have go to heaven to find the Anointed One of Yahweh, nor do they have to go to the grave to try to bring him back from the dead. This thing is not hidden from the one of faith, neither is it afar off -- difficult to understand. (See also: Deuteronomy 30:11-14; notice that Paul is not quoting Deuteronomy, but he does use similar phraseology.)
In this Paul is still writing about the relationship of Israel with the God of Israel, Yahweh. He is showing that the proper way to obtain the righteousness of God is through faith, which he goes on to show is through the faith in the ransom sacrifice given by One Anointed by Yahweh, that is Jesus.
Romans 10:8: But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth, and in your heart;" that is, the word of faith, which we preach:
Romans 10:9: that if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Here Paul points out the way to Yahweh's righteousness as provided through Jesus. (John 3:17; Romans 3:22-24; 5:1,9,10; 2 Corinthians 5:18; Galatians 4:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:9) We must remember that it is Yahweh who made Jesus "Lord" and "Christ" [Christ means "anointed one"] (Psalm 2:2; 45:7; Isaiah 61:1; Acts 2:36) Many read this verse as though only Jesus is spoken of, but we note the context is about Yahweh and the salvation he provides through Jesus.
Romans 10:10: For with the heart, one believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Romans 10:11: For the scripture says, "Whoever believes in him will not be put to shame."
In Romans 10:11, Paul uses language similar to that of Isaiah 28:16: "therefore thus says the Lord [Adonay] Yahweh, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner -[stone] of sure foundation: he who believes shall not be in haste." Here is it Yahweh is who is the provider of the sure foundation, and then he tells us that he who believes in him, that is, in the foundation provided by Yahweh, shall not be in haste. The one of faith does not have to be anxious about trying to find any other source or any other way of salvation, for it is found in the sure foundation provided by Yahweh, nor does the one of faith in this sure foundation have any reason to have any hint of disappointment or shame in the foundation provided by Yahweh.
Romans 10:12: For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich to all who call on him.
Here the apostle joins the God of Israel with the believing Greeks (representing those outside the law covenant). Yahweh is the same Lord (the One spoken of as Adonay -- Lord -- in Isaiah 28:16 just referenced) over all, and will richly bless all who call on him.
Romans 10:13: For, "Whoever will call on the name of Yawheh will be saved."
This brings us to the scripture in question. Paul here makes reference to whoever will call upon the name of Yahweh will be saved. If we consider scriptures leading up to this scripture, it should be plain that Paul is making reference to Yahweh, the God of Israel, with whom both Jew and Gentile needs reconciliation. That reconciliation, however, as the apostle points out, is by faith, not by the keeping of the law. While it is highly doubtful that Paul substituted "Kurios" here for God's name, even if he did it is evident that he is referring to Yahweh, for it is Yahweh with whom both Jew and Gentile needs to be reconciled (Romans 5:9,10), and it is from Yahweh, the Father, that one comes to through the means that Yahweh provided for salvation, that is, in his Son, Jesus. -- Acts 10:43; 20:21; John 3:17; 6:44
Romans 10:14: How, then, shall they call on him whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And shall they hear without a preacher?
Again in verse 14 the thought is primarily of Yahweh, who sent his Son. No one can call upon Yahweh if they don't believe in him through his Son Jesus. (Romans 3:22-24; 5:1,11; 7:25; 14:26) The vast majority have never come to Yahweh, he who provided the "ransom for all", which will be testified, made known, in due time. (1 Timothy 2:5,6) Thus all heathen will hear, they will all be brought to a knowledge of Yahweh and his Son Christ Jesus in the age to come. -- Isaiah 2:2-4.
See the study:
"Mankind's Course to the Day of Judgment"
and the studies I have online concerning the trinity:
Christian love,
Ronald -
HUMAN NATURE: what the heck is it REALLY?
by Terry inwe all have a nature.
we are each born different from others in many respects.
our human-ness is conceptually the same, however, as we age our differences become more and more apparent.
The subjection of vanity and corruption is only temporary. I am reproducing an excerpt of a study I prepared for the RL website:
Those who think of God as having done all that is in His power to cause the knowledge of His grace and truth to fill the earth have not yet come to know the power of Yahweh's hand. It is not shortened, as he tells us in due time all His purposes will be accomplished. (Jeremiah 51:29) The difficulty with mankind is in shortsightedness -- the feeling that more should be done at the present time. We need to be calm, and to sink into Yahweh's will. -- Instead of attempting to tell Yahweh how we think his plan for the glorification of his name and the salvation of man should be carried out, and instead of attempting to carry out our own plans irrespective of the divine arrangement, we should as obedient children listen to the voice of our Father through His Son and through the apostles and prophets, assuring us that in His due time the message of salvation will be good tidings of great joy to all people -- assuring us that now He is doing a preparatory work, finding and developing His jewels, those who will constitute the judges and governors of that coming age of glory. (Malachi 3:17; Luke 19:15-19; Isaiah 32:1) As soon as mankind has completely learned the lessons pertaining to the rulership of sin and death, then He will work through his chosen servants of this age to the fulfillment of His great and glorious plan, which is not merely for the salvation of those called in this age, but for the salvation of the whole world that whosoever will may take of the water of life freely. -- 1 Timothy 4:10; John 4:42; 1 John 2:2; Revelation 22:17.
The World's Judgment
(80) Who do not see then that the judgment or trial of the world in general cannot begin until the eyes of their understanding are opened, and that God will not set into operation the general plan for the opening of all the blind eyes and the unstopping of all the deaf ears until first they have seen the far extremes of where government by sinful man will lead. Then Jesus, the Bride of Christ and all who have been favored of God in this age will shine forth for the blessing of the world when Satan will first have been bound.
(81) Thus Paul spoke concerning that time saying: "He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by the man whom He has ordained. Of this he has given a guarantee to all, in that He has raised him from the dead." (Acts 17:31) This verse does not refer to the judgment of the called-out ones of this age, which takes place in advance, and which was already in progress when the apostle uttered these words. It does not refer to the judgment of Church as a part of the judgment of the world. On the contrary, He assures us that if we are faithful we will not come into judgment with the world in the end of this age, but will be counted as not as "children of wrath," but as "children of the day," "children of God by faith." -- Ephesians 2:3; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 5:8; 1 Thessalonians 1:10.
(82) Looking at Acts 17:31 again, we see that it refers to the entire matter of the world's judgment as future from the apostle's day. It is still future from our day, though very near at hand. Thus we believe that the great Sun of Righteousness will soon be disclosed, and the shadows of the dark night of sin and superstition and ignorance will begin to flee away. We can no longer wonder that Yahweh, through the prophets, spoke so joyfully of this coming judgment of the world as a great blessing, saying: "Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth be glad! Let the sea roar and the fullness thereof! Let the field be joyful and all that is therein! Then all the trees of the woods will rejoice before Yahweh! For He is coming, for he is coming to judge the earth! He will judge the world with righteousness and the people with His truth!" -- Psalm 95:10-13
(83) Whoever gets the right conception of this word judge, "krino," sees clearly that it means that Yahweh will deliver even the poor of mankind from death to be given a trial, no matter how degraded, no matter how fallen through sin, superstition and ignorance. The divine plan is so wide and so deep and so broad that every member of Adam's race will have a full opportunity of coming to a knowledge of the truth that he may obey and live forever. He cannot receive eternal life in ignorance; he cannot receive eternal life without the eyes of his understanding being opened, and God's arrangement is that they all will see. Then all will know Yahweh from the least to the greatest, and then under the blessing of that knowledge they will be on trial. If after they know Yahweh and know of His righteousness and its reward, and of the penalty of sin -- if then they choose disobedience willfully, persistently, intelligently, they will die the Second Death, "everlasting destruction from the presence [face] of the Lord and the glory of His power" -- in which these will be no hope, from which there will be no resurrection. -- 2 Thessalonians 1:9.
"The Saints Will Judge The World"
(84) It is in full agreement with this line of thought and in disagreement with every other thought on this subject that the apostle declares: "Do you not know that the saints will judge the world?" (1 Corinthians 6:2) Here he distinctly differentiates between the Church and the world. The saints, he tells us, are being judged now -- every son whom Yahweh receives is disciplined, corrected, proven, that only the faithful may receive the higher honors, and that all may be the more wiser in whatever reward he may receive from Yahweh. But the world, he distinctly tells us, is not on judgment now -- not on trial -- but will be on trial in the future; and when the world will be on trial the saints [dedicated ones] will be the judges. (Hebrews 12:6,7; 1 Corinthians 11:32) Having already passed trial themselves, the saints will be the judges under Christ as the great Judge -- the judges of the world during its trial time, during the millennial kingdom reign.
(85) We should rid our minds of the thought that the day of judgment is merely a time for sentencing for wrong doing and the blindness of the present life of the world, and should see clearly that, on the contrary, whatever there is in the present life that is of ignorance, of blindness, of superstition, that comes to all through the fall and through the power of the adversary, all this is to be forgiven men, is to be blotted out, if they accept Yahweh and His gracious arrangements, just as these ignorances and blemishes are in the present time forgiven the disciples of Jesus, and we who believe are counted as free from all condemnation though our Redeemer's merit and sacrifice. So the people blinded of this world, when they come to a knowledge of Yahweh and an appreciation of His arrangement, will be cleared of responsibility for original sin and all the blemishes coming from it, and will be helped by Yahweh and the glorified Church out of all these blemishes, according to the promise of His word, that this will be a time of restoration of all things spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began. -- Acts 3:21.
Christian love,