Yes, absolutely. Protest are popping up everywhere.
I say mandatory masks for work involving the public. If someone doesn't like it, stay home and go broke. Or do work online.
There is general uneasiness and swiftly heading towards anger from the public.
I noticed tonight from several news outlets that many restaurants are going to defy state governors rules and open anyway. Along with hairdressers and many other businesses. All of them have said that they dare the governors or police to try to do something about it.
On that note much of the police force are saying they will not be enforcing stay at home orders any longer despite what the state says.
Fishermen in places where they closed fishing are coming out in droves. 2 state or federal employees per 50 mile radius can't/wont fight 100 fisher men in each spot. ( Which by the way no one is fishing anywhere close to each other, plenty of space). They don't intend to enforce. Least they be shot. I'm not kidding. Its happened before here, to many times and rangers know this. Around here if its not the bears and cougars you have to look out for, though there are plenty in the woods, its the people.
I see this trend gaining momentum.
Not sure what other options there are.