I cant think of many positives, but there are a few I suppose. I'll try.
I don't think anyone will look at me funny for looking to move back off the grid again. Its a simple peaceful way of life.
I realized even more that I have lived/ lead an unusual life for an American. Because of that I know so many out of the way private/isolated mountainous, and desert parts in the states and can go there whenever I like without seeing hardly anyone, if anyone.
The things left on my life goal lists will not be affected much by this pandemic should I live so long. Perhaps even more enhanced from a certain perspective.
It is now socially acceptable to stay away from people. I doubt many if any will make fun of me using alcohol to sanitize everything now, like some used to.
On a facetious note, there are/were some very unethical, nepotistic, thieves of business owners that got knocked out. And I don't care not even a little.
Also I'm hoping that this drives the cost of housing down as the price of housing here for the regular working class was unacceptable and had gotten to dangerous levels of inequality. As in a house with two people it takes working near 80 hours each just for a basic run of the mill apartment and still be able to save some. Or a home that would be 250,000 in Illinois could have easily gone for near 2 million here. Same home, same layout. With only 2-3 dollars difference in min wage. Sick.
Overall, I really wanted to move off the grid on my own terms. Not fight so hard to get up to speed living back on the grid only to get slapped back by this. Never again.
My big positive overall has seemed to be that I will never again entertain someone elses opinion on how I should/could, live my life or proceed forward especially when most of that advice is no longer valid, something this pandemic has exposed. I was actually on the right track for me but somehow bought into the narrative that I should live like a 'normal' (as if that carries anymore weight with me at this point) person with all this superficial luxury. Currently I feel split in two, but working towards redefining what I really want and can possibly achieve.