JoinedTopics Started by revdrjohnson
How to Get Rid of a Jehobah's Witness -- FOUND IT!
by revdrjohnson in .
how to get rid of a jehobah's witness.
when they ask, "can i talk to you about god?
Looking for: "HOW TO GET RID OF A JW"
by revdrjohnson inkind of an "oldie" does anybody have a copy?
how do we know when we interpretate correctly?
by evangelist ini would like your help on this matter of the interpretation of the bible, because many people say we interpretate diffently and we have diffent understanding.
how do we know when we interpretate the bible correctly?.
i have a relative for instance says the gay sex life is ok and they interpretated the bible to back up the right to live a gay life.. how can i prove their interpretation is wrong?.
by revdrjohnson injoseph f. alward, posted the following:.
i believe there are many on this forum who are not aware of the many online bibles from which they could almost effortless copy verses to paste into their arguments.
when one refers to a particular verse in a particular book, few readers have the patience to go seach through the whole book.
It's a shame , but its probably true
by sleepy init's a shame , but its probably true, i bet there are more ex-witnesses (those who are dis'ed or dont go anymore)who still believe its the truth than those who don't.. what do you think?
Bible Error: Peter Denies Knowing Jesus
by JosephAlward inin the dialogue below, jesus scoffs at peters claim that he will give his life for jesus.
he tells peter that before the sun comes up in the morning--before the rooster crows--peter would that very night pretend he did not even know jesus.. .
readers should note especially that in the john passage below, jesus is predicting that the rooster would not crow until after peter has denied knowing jesus three times.. .
Street Corner Witnessing
by Beans inwhat happened to it?
i never see anybody doing it anymore!
are they geting more ashamed if there peers from work and the neighors see them?.
EEK! They came to my house!
by just_a_girl inwas expecting a girlfriend over this morning - rushed to the door when bell rang.
to my surprise/horror, there were 2 jws ... apparently when my mother was visiting last summer, she had mentioned to these "sisters" to come stop by every once in a while, to encourage me to go to meetings.
they were inviting me to the special talk this sunday ... i politely told them, thanks for the invitation but i already had plans for sunday (sleeping in) ... i don't want to be rude, b/c these 2 particular women are pleasant (it could very well be a farce) but how do i get across to them that i do not wish to be visited in the future?
Whats the worst 'get-together' game you endured?
by Latte indear all,.
as a young teenager, we were always having get-togethers.... you know the spiritually upbuilding' kind ie.
bible quizzies, really boring stuff.
Do you Remember the Moment you Stopped Being a JW?
by Smoldering Wick in"it only takes a moment.
a moment of sanity.