The Bible account of the ten plague's it's says he protected his people from any harm even if it upset the authorities and people of that time so his name would be known and he was all powerful.And Moses and Aaron lead his people in obedience to God's direction.
So why not today?
There's a more powerful narcissistic bully in charge in the USA than the bullys in Warwick.
If the governing body in any way told JWs to disregard the instructions to everyone , and keep the meeting and ministry going and then spread the virus and JWs died and spread the virus.
That JWs no longer have god's protection and blessings.
Face prosecution from the civil authorities and cost them millions of dollars and when the child abuse cases go to court they have shown that they coercive there members.
It would not have stopped Russell,Rutherford and Knorr and Franz they would have just sent the sheep to the slaughter.