If she is happy to stay in,we had a older brother who was not sure if he was of the annointed ,
We simply said if you have to ask then probably not (as god's spirit bears witness with your spirit)
That put him at ease.
i haven’t posted here for years as i have now moved on and am satisfied with the choice i have made to leave watchtower.
however in light of the coronavirus and people in australia and other countries being asked to stay at home i became concerned for a witness sister who lives in melbourne alone who is 88 years old.
today i gave her a call as i don’t trust the local witnesses to care for her.
If she is happy to stay in,we had a older brother who was not sure if he was of the annointed ,
We simply said if you have to ask then probably not (as god's spirit bears witness with your spirit)
That put him at ease.
there will be no hope that she will ever come out of the wt abyss.
her mind is so diluted with the cult, i.e.
the best life ever.
The tactics cult's and domestic abusers use are the same.
https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/jehovahs-witness-sexually-abused-children-17980937?utm_source .
interesting what the judge said about him, still no excuse for his actions..
Interesting what the judge said about him, still no excuse for his actions.
just received a text yesterday...lovebombing to return with so called proof of the gt starting...scaremongering at its peak!.
missing you at the meetings.
Are you sure it wasn't" missing your money " hope you are ok
claim by jehovah's witness dismissed - the irish times - tue, mar 06, 2012.
.js-kit-cc{ display: none; } .
Thanks for putting the video up for all to see,
Hopefully it will apply through out the UK and Europe .
just saw this , sent to me in an email.just another way of trying to encourage me to come back coz this is it!
they are doing all they can to still reach out to people despite the lockdown!
i am appalled but at the same time ,i can very well remember when i used to be doing the same thing when pimi thinking i am really helping people , giving them a positive hope , something to look forward to n all.. amazing how thoughts and mind sets once opened changes so drastically!.
Thanks zing
Received in a WhatsApp couldn't figure out how to upload it , there going on what a great idea letter writing,go on Google earth to get house number.
New data protection laws allow that?
this morning my wife made the comment ... "we'll probably experience famine next.".
i don't know that she'd come up with this on her own.
has anyone else heard a jw talking about this?.
And the cry of peace and security.
coronavirus: zoom is in everyone's living room - how safe is it?
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-52033217.
Coronavirus: Zoom is in everyone's living room - how safe is it? - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-52033217
even though i am partially in the it area of business, i don't understand here how people are saying that someone can control a camera through zoom.
so if i am sitting with a shirt and tie, someone on the other end can can control the camera and see that i am naked from the waist down and periodically have an itch?
or quickly move to the side and have a beer?.
people are not willing to accept the popularity of the watchtower and awake as these magazines belong to jw.
a listing site has declared the watchtower the most popular magazine in the world.. source: https://tingtopten.com/2020/01/top-10-most-popular-magazines-in-the-world/.
in comment section of this link people are abusing again jehovah's witnesses.
We had bro /sis would start their time on a Saturday morning at the local park and then come to the service group and Bragg about all the Mags they placed ,we would sometime in the afternoon take the kids to the park and the buckets were full of the Mags .