Ellen G White a early Adventist had written about the 144000 in the mid to late 1800s
JoinedPosts by Fadeaway1962
144000 who’s idea first
by Tim207 inhello this is my first post although i’ve lingered on this site before.
i’m curious about a comment i read saying that rutherfords idea of only 144000 going to heaven was taken from the founder of the church friends of man.
i tried looking up this church but could not find information on when they started this belief.
Anyone from Florida
by Fadeaway1962 inhi just had a whatsapp from a family member regarding a ldc zoom meeting in florida that sysco had a truckload of refrigerated foods from the cruise ships, called the witnesses palm beach and miami the food was donated for free.. many bro's are having trouble finding food , but jehovah always supplies and takes care of his people.. is this more fake news?.
if this is true i doubt they will share with their neighbours..
Hi just had a WhatsApp from a family member regarding a LDC zoom meeting in Florida that Sysco had a truckload of refrigerated foods from the cruise ships, called the witnesses palm beach and Miami the food was donated for free.
Many bro's are having trouble finding food , but Jehovah always supplies and takes care of his people.
Is this more FAKE news?
If this is true I doubt they will share with their neighbours.
G.B of JW`s trusting in Jehovah ? or Trusting in Men When It Comes To A Crunch !
by smiddy3 injehovah`s witnesses have taken it upon themselves that they have been chosen by god to be his witnesses in what they believe to be the last days ,the time of the end spoken of by the prophets of old.. they are on record as stating in their publications that it is their calling and duty to preach this message of announcing jehovah`s kingdom loud and clear publicly and from house to house even when under ban.. which they have done on many occasions in the past putting their trust in jehovah .. taking to heart acts ch.5 : 17- 32 which states in a nutshell ," we must obey god as ruler rather than men " .
they are also on record that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one satan the devil to mislead all mankind.. this includes all governments ,religious leaders ,economic, and social systems ,they have even stated that the united nations was a counterfeit kingdom in opposition to the kingdom of god for the benefit of mankind.. so what do we see today ?
true , we have a pandemic with this covid-19 virus that is wreaking havoc in the worlds health systems causing death to many people on a scale not seen since the spanish flu pandemic a century ago.. now i`m just speaking from a jehovah`s witness mindset here,to put there money where their mouth is.
The Bible account of the ten plague's it's says he protected his people from any harm even if it upset the authorities and people of that time so his name would be known and he was all powerful.And Moses and Aaron lead his people in obedience to God's direction.
So why not today?
There's a more powerful narcissistic bully in charge in the USA than the bullys in Warwick.
If the governing body in any way told JWs to disregard the instructions to everyone , and keep the meeting and ministry going and then spread the virus and JWs died and spread the virus.
That JWs no longer have god's protection and blessings.
Face prosecution from the civil authorities and cost them millions of dollars and when the child abuse cases go to court they have shown that they coercive there members.
It would not have stopped Russell,Rutherford and Knorr and Franz they would have just sent the sheep to the slaughter.
Are We Living In The Last Days?
by Vanderhoven7 injust received this note out of the blue from a pimi jw.
how would you respond?.
hi vander,.
Sixth, the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling, though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller. Yet, referring to the great tribulation, Jesus stated: “Unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.” (Matthew 24:21, 22) Evidently, then, some of Christ’s “chosen ones” will still be on earth when the great tribulation begins.*
W00 1/15 pages 12-13
Are We Living In The Last Days?
by Vanderhoven7 injust received this note out of the blue from a pimi jw.
how would you respond?.
hi vander,.
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes such as low self-esteem.
It classic gaslighting by a narcissistic organisation
App message about jw.org HQ
by Gorbatchov ingot this week a message from a jw friend about the jw.org headquarters move to warwick.. the message shows how even rational witness (my friend is a rational businessman) share the jw emotional madness that's going arround the jw social media now.
how sad!
read for your self:.
So where was he before September 11th where some 2750 people were killed in new York?
Are We Living In The Last Days?
by Vanderhoven7 injust received this note out of the blue from a pimi jw.
how would you respond?.
hi vander,.
Just typed last days in JW.org the oldest ref w67 page 197-198
In fact in this year 1967 we are actually living in the final part of that time! This can be compared to, not just the last day of a week, but, rather, the last part of that last day.
Maybe use what the org has said in their literature in the past.
Curious to know the Zoom attendance figures for for the memorial
by joe134cd ini’m just curious to know the local attendance figures for the memorial.
my father told me they had an attendance of 140. not flattering for a cong of 100 pubs.
i was sort of surprised at this considering the quarantine measures and everyone being forced to stay at home.
Wonder if there will be a big increase in the number of partakers as we are in the last of the last of the last days (not sure if I missed a last)
3 Letters Arrived--English and Spanish! (As of 2020-04-08)
by Atlantis inenglish--2020-04-08--addendum to the march 24, letter.. https://docdro.id/v8savbuspanish--2020-04-08--addendum to the march 24, letterhttps://docdro.id/hxrhew6spanish--zoom instructionshttps://docdro.id/mmmurmdpetra!https://docdro.id/ebxf7nz
Control and more control
Those in need , the org is the last last last last place to get assistance,
Supposed to be a charity
Kind and loving organisation.
The best memorial ever 😂😂😂