I remember studying with an Elder and the topic “the Israel of god “ came up. He explained to me these are the magical Christians that would rule with Christ in the heavens and the only ones today who can understand the bible (before the GB anointed themselves alone).
So I explained the book of Galatians to the elder. Basically Paul is writing the letter as a warning to the church in Galatia (sp) on the tip of Spain to beware of the so called Jewish Christians that were spreading the false teachings about the obedience to Mosaic Law being essential to your salvation. You are saved though Christ alone and blah blah blah. All basic Christian teachings.
So the book ends with something like blessing to them and the Israel of God. I don’t know the exact phrase.
Judging from the theme of the book wouldn’t you think the Israel of god might have meant, Jewish Christians who followed basic Christian teachings? (Christ alone, saved by faith).
So what you actually want me to believe was Paul was talking about Gentile Christians and heavenly hopers who were not supposed to be born pass 1935 and now are recognized as only seven men in 2012 ?
That is what Paul was talking about. He was dumbfounded.
I soon realized he didn’t know anything other Watchtower propaganda . He had no idea of common themes and how books of the bible relate to each.
He also never talked to me again.
Not that I have a masters degree in divinity but I think the average JW is dangerously uneducated when it comes to teaching the bible.