The Elders were doing exactly what they were indoctrinated to do, protect the ORG’s reputation at all costs..
The Elders do what HQ says. End of story. If they don’t then they are no longer Elders.
Now the new defense is, “ All this is happening because the Elders haven’t been following procedure.”?!?!?!
BULL SHIT.... Like the WTBTS’s procedures are awesome? If only the holy procedures had been followed!! 😩
If the procedures are so great, why the article about the GB erring in policies and procedures??? Seriously? Which is it? Are the policies flawed or just not being followed? You can’t have it both ways...
By the way, the Elders aren’t the “Stars” of Revelation, or “Dukes and Shepherds.” That’s just flawed interpretations of delusional humans.
Finally, how would not following procedures in the recent past explain the appointment of a pedophile to the Governing Body who then spearheaded the now infamous Pedophile database that the GB have protected at all costs to the tune of millions of dollars??