I don’t have time or the inclination to look at the literature anymore, but here’s the Holy Spirit in a nutshell....
( Hey!!! Someone get me out of this thing!! )
Err...yeah... So all Dubs can be influenced by the Spirit. That’s what makes them go to meetings, and go in service, and contribute money. The Spirit is why they are Dubs in the first place as the GB say the Spirit draws righteously disposed ones to Da Troof.
The Spirit does not influence of lead any non-anointed Dub, or any anointed Dub in any way contrary to the “Genuinely Anointed” Dubs at World HQ. ONLY the GB have the Spirit operating on them in a unique way regarding the continuing revelation of Jeehoober’s purpose.
How do we know the GB are the only Dubs who are receiving messages via Holy Spirit? Because they are at HQ! Why are they at HQ? They are “Genuine Anointed” and not mentally and emotionally unbalanced. How do we know? Because they are at HQ! Why? Because they are “Genuine Anointed!” How do we know? Because Jeehoober’s spirit acts on them in a special way. How do we know? Because they are the GB at HQ! .....🤪
Its pretty easy to see that the Spirit does whatever the GB/Legal Department says it does.