If I was still a PIMO I would be thrilled. Wake up late, don’t drive anywhere or pay for a shitty hotel where I’m commanded to dress as a “delegate” at all times, ect. Don’t pay all the gas $$$. Don’t get all sweaty parking cars, or walking through hella crowded halls of sweaty dubs who are completely unaware of anyone in their mad dash for the “best” seats. I would be thrilled to not have my ass go numb in a shitty seat at facility that just hosted a Rodeo the week before and reeked of cow shit and was hot AF because the cheap ass douche bags kissing the the DO’s ass won’t run the AC...
I would let the wife ( Ex now ) get dressed up if she wanted and I would NOT listen to the spiritual music program and I would NOT be in my seat on time, and I would NOT sing the dumb shit songs, and I WOULD eat my breakfast with coffee as I walked around in my underwear...