Topics Started by ring
The JW/Diamond Ring Scam
by Mindchild ini was going through some old papers today and found reference to a really nasty little scam that is still very popular in the usa and perhaps around the world.
it is typically called the diamond ring scam but it can take several different forms.. here is how it typically works.... a very well dressed and affluent looking person (male or female) will go to a business that only has one person working there.
quite often this is a gas or petrol station but it can just as easily be a liquor store or a convenience store.
automatic weapons and things
by radar inas a matter of interest, how easy or difficult is it to purchase weapons in america?.
i see films like terminator, where it appears you can buy anything from rocket launchers to kalashnikov ak 74s.. can someone educate me on this?.
the wicked evil smurfs
by ring inwhen i was young, there was a rumor through out our circut, that the smurfs were demonized.
we were told at once to destroy all smurf toys, dolls, and figures.
there were storys flying around about talking smurf statue figures, that would get up and walk across the floor, ect... does anyone remember this, or did it only happen in my part of the world?
It sure is hard being your lord
by Jehovah_God inmy login session .
--------------------- let there be light!
:let there be light!.
Overweight JWs -- on the increase?
by Seeker inyes, i know, the title is a pun.
it was deliberate.. i can recall in the 1970s seeing very few overweight jws.
in fact, i used to think (in my arrogant jw manner) that this was a sign of how jws were better at self-control than worldly people.
Are you the one with the answer?
by ring infirst off, i am not a jw anymore,was one for over 20 years.haven't set foot in the kingdom hall for 9 years.
my question is"why not be truthful about what this site is?
"this site is set up to look at first appearence as a legitimit witness site.why the "front"?if users here are proud of their x-jw status,or are proud of the fact they have left the wbts organization,why isn't this site named x-jehovah ?
Are "you all" morons OR am I the moron?
by Victoria Cruz infrom what i understand the wtbts is not affiliated with the un but the dpi (department of public information).
if i am right... you all are the morons.
if i am wrong the i am the moron.