So I gather from the responses so far that the elders view it as far less serious if you give up faith in God himself, than If you keep faith in god, but lose faith in the organization! Something seems off there no?
Posts by BU2B
Can losing faith in God be a disfellowshipping offense?
by Emery ini have been pondering this question for awhile.
say a person during a shepherding visit with the elders were to simply state that they had lost their faith in god because of the subject of suffering-- would the elders still have grounds to disfellowship them even if the person did not actually commit a sinful offense?
instead of diving into all the errors, false prophecies, and lies advanced by the organization can somebody simply say, "i have lost faith in jehovah" and walk away without being publically denounced?
What is the WATCHTOWER'S timeline for getting out of Brooklyn?
by Think About It ini don't know any details myself, but i was wondering what is the watchtower's timeline for getting completely out of brooklyn?
i know they have been building a new hq in patterson.
(i think) they have also been selling many brooklyn properties.
Within the 21st century
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-12-2013 WT Study (HEART)
by blondie ini will give them a. heart to know me, that.
figs: i will give them a heart to know me, that i. am jehovah; and they must become my people.
give them a heart to know him.
Its Ironic because they speak of an uncircumsized heart being insensitive, when in reality real circumcision dulls sensitivity in the penis while uncircumsized ones are more sensitive. So its not even an accurate paralell.
NEW video on Youtube MUST SEE! the elder's meeting is ridiculous!
by Newly Enlightened inbrother of the hawk, newly enlightened & gojira, recorded an elder's meeting on 5/7/03.
both does a great job of defending me and making the elders look foolish!.
thank you raypublisher/jj and jwstruggle for the awesome job you did on it.. follow up story was not recorded but we will post it here hopefully over the weekend.. enjoy, it's pretty hilarious how they try to control us and come after me on a work of fiction!.
Was this a book they wrote? Or just one they owned?
What does Romans 10:9,10 mean to a JW?
by Colton inromans 10:9,10.
"...if you confess with your mouth jesus as lord, and believe in your heart that god raised jesus from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.".
in my ten years as a jw, there was absolutely no emphases to the importance of this scripture.
Today..... A great song by the Smashing pumpkins!
Today's Watchtower
by piztjw inso i see that once again the jw's are being told that if you or a family member have been wronged it is all in your mind.
you only "think" your family member was wronged.. you must not stand up for family, you must not take their side in a dispute, and you really should just let yourself and your family be shat upon.. this is getting sicker by the minute.
any other observations or thoughts?.
And its always a "percieved" wrong, or a imagined injustice! It really is insulting. Even the hardcore dubs are furtrated by this. Thats their version of a spiritual paradise. Thats how they have peace and unity, if you get screwed over, just take it and suffer through it, after all its just your perception, its all in your head!
They are Gaslighting the JWs
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-05-2013 WT Study (STUMBLING)
by blondie instumbling block.
Good point, 5go I often bring up the same thing. They act as if people of the same sex dont fool around. To take it one step further, two married couples shouldnt be allowed to be alone. Ever hear of swingers? Apparently this isnt that rare. The WT has warned of "wife swapping" in the past.
Even a married couple alone with a single person should be viewed with scrutiny. Some couples like to invite a 3rd party into the bedroom! Maybe JWs should only be allowed to be together in groups of ten or more.
In all seriousness, the real chaperoned should be with the young children and some creepy JW men. Thats where the real tradgedies have and do happen.
Shunning a myth says jw spokesman
by doofdaddy in's hotting up in australia regarding cults, especially tax free like jws but how is the response of vin toole (the australian wts legal mouth piece) regarding shunning!.
Wow. And they condemn the R+F if they are the least bit less than 100%.
Yet the WT routinely lies about its true history, quotes out of context, and regualarly uses deception all the time
Its do as we say not as we do just like,
You cant Join the YMCA to use the pool but.....
We can join the UN to use the Library.
You cant paint a church but.....
We meet yearly with the OSCE, along with dozens of other religions.
You have to be raped, beaten, tortured, burned and murdered instead of buying a 25 cent party card but.....
We can Join with the wild beast for 10 years.
Oh and by the way... If you even bring any of this up, you will be interrogated in a star chamber hearing then shunned just like they say dosent happen by everyone you care about.. Oh the Irony
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-12-2013 WT Study (HEART)
by blondie ini will give them a. heart to know me, that.
figs: i will give them a heart to know me, that i. am jehovah; and they must become my people.
give them a heart to know him.
This seemed to be such a filler article, they all suck but this one was just pointless. I mean figs? foreskins of the heart? WTF?
At least this was more bearable than the one about showing honor to Jehovahs NAme in a couple weeks.. That one was filled with overt lies and baseless assertions. Amazing, but nothing new. Its buisness as usual