They like to say that Jehovah did not promote polygamy, only tolerate it. Well when you divide 32000 women among men who most likely already have wives, what is that?? Jehovah commanded them to take the women as SPOILS OF WAR FOR YOURSELVES!
Posts by BU2B
The height of delusion on display at last Tuesdays meeting...
by BU2B ini literally just sat there with my mouth open.
sometimes the delusional mind of jws takes steroids.. it was during the draw close to jehovah study where they praise the mosaic law and how perfectly wonderful it was.
you should have seen the almost giddy attitude the conductor had and the comments from the audience.
The height of delusion on display at last Tuesdays meeting...
by BU2B ini literally just sat there with my mouth open.
sometimes the delusional mind of jws takes steroids.. it was during the draw close to jehovah study where they praise the mosaic law and how perfectly wonderful it was.
you should have seen the almost giddy attitude the conductor had and the comments from the audience.
Suavojr- You are so right. I just read numbers 31. Can you imagine the horrible screams as people were slaughtered? Can you imagine the amount of blood? Can you imagine!!! Anyone who defends this is a moral reprobate.
The height of delusion on display at last Tuesdays meeting...
by BU2B ini literally just sat there with my mouth open.
sometimes the delusional mind of jws takes steroids.. it was during the draw close to jehovah study where they praise the mosaic law and how perfectly wonderful it was.
you should have seen the almost giddy attitude the conductor had and the comments from the audience.
I literally just sat there with my mouth open. Sometimes the delusional mind of JWs takes steroids.
It was during the Draw close to Jehovah study where they praise the Mosaic law and how perfectly wonderful it was. You should have seen the almost giddy attitude the conductor had and the comments from the audience. The source material was bad enough, but the comments went even further.
One brother said something to the effect of, "In modern wars we see civilians involved in the conflict getting raped and killed, it was not like that with Jehovahs army, they only killed when Jehovah told them to. They were pagans so they deserved to die!" WTF?? What a contadiction. He drew a comparison to modern wars that involve civilians, trying to say that Jehovahs not like that, yet they went from city to city killing everyone man and beast!
I also did not like that they claimed that the Israelites did not rape. While they may not have done it on the spot, in many cases the virgins were forced to marry the very soldiers they just witnessed kill their parents and siblings. They could pick out those "beautiful in form" "all who they chose" What if she did not want to have sex with her new husband? He wouldnt force himself on her would he?
Another comment went something like this- "We see armies of the past like the Gauls, Mongols, Attila the Hun. They went from city to city brutalizing people and slaughtering them and taking the women. Jehovahs army was loving. They offered surrender and only killed them if they refused!" WTF?? I must have missed where they gave the cannanites the chance to surrender.. In fact as I recall, Joshua got pretty pissed when the Gibeonites devised their plan to avoid being slaughtered like animals!
Even when I believed, such comments would seem to me to come from mentally comprimised persons.
In the paragraph it said that unlike other armies of the time, they did not engage in wanton slaughter!! How do they figure that? No explanation for that one..
It was sick to see people in the 21st century justify such stone age thinking. The whole lesson was sick. They praise a law that advocated slavery, torture and capital punishment for disrespecting your parents. JWs really want to be under the law so bad, they wish they could be. They enjoy living under the modern day talmud of the WT.
On the bright side, many did not raise their hands and I suspect a good portion had the same thoughts I did. I know for a fact that many JWs struggle with the barbarism of the OT. I know I did. Unlike other religions, the GB do not try to forget about the barbarism, they highlight it and praise it as good!
ISIS are they making Jehovah's heart happy
by confusedandalone ini am hearing alot of so-called muslims and christians so upset over the atrocities isis is committing.
it is all over the place how awful they are.
mainstream muslims are declaring that such actions are horrible!!
I third that. They are no different than the ancient Israelites. In fact I would argue they are not nearly as bad, since they do not slaughter ENTIRE CITIES wholesale.
The WT's biggest deception?
by BU2B init just dawned on me that one of if not the most deceptive thing that the wt convinces the members of is that the truth does not stand up to investigation.
they teach that lies trump truth.
the reality of course is something entirely different.
If they were the truth, they could take a site like Jwfacts and debunk it page by page and point by point. They cannot do that, so they resort to name calling, ad hominem, attacking the motive and other logical fallacies and unreasoning phobias to muddy the waters.
JWs are kept ignorant of many things, such as past teachings, flip flops, UN NGO, child abuse etc. If the WT were honest they would be more transparent. However their deception runs so deep and the rabbit hole goes down so far that everything would crumble.
For example, if they were honest about 607 vs 586 dates their whole religion would fall apart. The fundemental teaching is that Jesus returned to earth invisibly and selected drunken racist Joe Rutherford as his "faithful and wise servant" in 1919 based on the "spiritual food" he was dispensing at the time, including the "Millions now living will never die" 1925 false prophecy and the laughably arrogant and asinine "Finished Mystery" book. If you dont believe that, the whole thing crumbles and they are not "the channel". Its either true or it isnt. The preaching work and increasing numbers are not any proof, since if that was evidence the LDS church would be even more Gods channel because they have double the members in about the same time of existence, grow at a higher rate, and also preach. Doctrines do not matter to a JW although they believe in them and will argue you about them. If a QFR came out tomorrow that changed a key teaching, they would all go along and believe that too. All that matters is loyalty to the leadership of the organization. Nothing else matters.
"Jehovah's Witnesses do better after surgery without transfusion" - Article (July 3, 2012)
by Da.Furious inthis article from 2012 published by the birmingham news showed up on my facebook page.. what i would have liked to see in the statistics is the inclusion of total jws refusing blood transfusion and their survival rate not only the ones taht surviced, taking about only survivors is not like for like comparison in my opinion with patients who take blood transfusion and then dont survive.. .
That article is disgraceful. It shows no respect and no mention for the thousands who have died needlessly due to the mind control/undue infuence tactics of the WT.
Of course it is better to avoid transfusions if you can, but in many cases there is no other choice. Shameful article. I would not be suprised if the writer was a JW working at the paper.
The WT's biggest deception?
by BU2B init just dawned on me that one of if not the most deceptive thing that the wt convinces the members of is that the truth does not stand up to investigation.
they teach that lies trump truth.
the reality of course is something entirely different.
Not at all Island man! I appreciate it and take it as a compliment.
The WT's biggest deception?
by BU2B init just dawned on me that one of if not the most deceptive thing that the wt convinces the members of is that the truth does not stand up to investigation.
they teach that lies trump truth.
the reality of course is something entirely different.
It just dawned on me that one of if not the most deceptive thing that the WT convinces the members of is that the truth does not stand up to investigation. They teach that lies trump truth.
The reality of course is something entirely different. Logic and common sense tell us that if something is true, it has no need to hide from debate, or critical investigation. Truth does and will stand up after you investigate both sides of a story. How do you know if you are being decieved if you only get information from one source, one that stands to gain at that! The WT has commented to this effect at times. The following is from the Truth book. It is only one example.
Since we do not want our worship to be in vain, it is important for each one of us to examine his religion.
5 We need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated. Are its teachings in full harmony with God's Word, or are they based on the traditions of men? If we are lovers of the truth, there is nothing to fear from such an examination.
If it is true that truth has nothing to fear from a critical examination, why then do JWs not believe this? They have been lied to and taught that the TRUTH the only truth WILL NOT stand up under scrutiny. Even talking to a former member or visiting their blogs is going to lead you out of the "truth".
They have convinced their members that lies trump truth and truth crumbles under critical investigation. They warn of apostate deceptions, when in fact, "apostates" generally do nothing other than expose the WT deceptions and lies. They are yelling "PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN" and "LOOK AT THE EMPERORS WONDERFUL ROBES" when in fact he is naked.
When a JW reasons that that if they have the truth and should be able to debate the liar apostates, and then attempt to, 9 out of 10 times they will leave the JWs at least mentally. Once you have seen that the wizard of Oz is just an old powerless man behind a curtain, you cannot unsee it.
The WT actually explains perfectly the true reason they do not want you looking at critical information.
"The religious leaders were not happy that the common people were being set free. They did not want to lose their position of authority and the hold they had on the people." (The Watchtower, June 15, 1962, page 357.)
In short the WT has convinced millions that truth cannot stand under the light of criticism or investigation. It must literally flee. JWs avoid ex-JWs or people critical of the organization like a vampire treats the cross or sunlight. Steve Hassan stresses that a member or potential member of a group, any group should SEEK OUT critical information and honestly evaluate its validity. JWs agree with this whe it comes to anyone else, but when its them, they deny the truthfulness of that. JWs! You cannot have it both ways! Either something is true or it isnt. Either truth has nothing to fear or it does. You cannot have it both ways. I realized this truth and its why I woke up to TTATT and now think for myself.
-Joel aka BU2B
How Do They Still Preach & Teach The "End" Is Right Around The Corner And Never Get Embarrassed?
by minimus infrom from the very beginning, the watchtower has been wrong about every prophecy regarding "the time of the end".
they still continue to spout false information.. go out and preach before it is too late!
Great first comment Sally, so true! welcome! Good to have you here.
To answer Minimus question, they will just say how they encourage watchfulness. Even if they have had some "wrong expectations" its better to keep on the watch than be spiritually sleepy. Even the apostles made mistakes, we are not infallible, not prophets etc etc.
They are a shining example of the proverbial "Boy who cried wolf". Their cries of the end being soon are more rediculous to us because we have all the old quotes showing that they have had the same rhetoric for over 100 years. Newer ones have legitimately no clue about the WT current teachings let alone the past ones. They are wilfully ignorant. All they know is to follow the 7 men in NYC even if it makes no sense. Tragic that people turn over their whole minds to others.
St. Louis police are asking for your help in finding a man who set fire to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses
by Sol Reform inst. louis (kmox) - st. louis police are asking for your help in finding a man who set fire to the kingdom hall of jehovahs witnesses at 2428 north grand.. the fire occurred saturday september 13th at 6:15 a.m.. a surveillance camera recording shows a suspect: a white male with a beard and mustache wearing a green jacket and coveralls.. anyone with information is asked to call crimestoppers at 866 371 tips.. man sought for setting fire to jehovahs witness building.
man sought for setting fire to jehovahs witness buildin... fire was set at 2428 north grand early saturday.
view on www.thenewscommen.... preview by yahoo.
Was that one of us? lol